Small tattoo design

142 Artistic Small Tattoo Ideas To Fall In Love

For a long age, most people believed that tattoos needed to be as extravagant as possible. If visualizing a tattoo doesn't give a headache then the tattoo has failed its purpose. But no things have changed. Contemporary artists are focusing more on small and simple tattoos that pack a punch.

You can commemorate your personality, beliefs, and customs the same you can do in the case of a giant tattoo. Another great thing about the small tattoo is that it takes far less time. Most beginners get frightened by the thought of tatting because of how painful it tends to become.

But the small tattoos are much more painless. As there aren’t many patterns or colors, your tattoo will be finished in no time. The discreet artwork will always be by your side, motivating you to keep on pushing forward even in your darkest days.

Heartwarming Small Tattoo Designs For All Ages

There are so many small tattoo designs that it is hard to make a complete list. You can pretty much draw anything in a minuscule shape and it will classify as a small tattoo. However, you need some ideas to pull one off.

That’s why we have tried to find some of the most sought-after small tattoo designs that have been trending on the internet. Each of these tattoos doesn’t necessarily have beautiful patterns or colors. The main concept behind most small tattoos is the representation of the wearer's interviews and opinions.

If this is depicted in the tattoo then the purpose of the artwork is fulfilled. So, without further ado, let's embark on the journey to find the best small tattoo design only for you.

Small Japanese Tattoo

Small Japanese Tattoo

Aside from the neon lights and heavily cramped bullet trains, there are so many extraordinary things in Japanese culture that deserve to have their tattoo. One of them is spirals.

If you look around you, most things have a spiral shape. From the tornado to the whirlwinds, spirals are everywhere. There is a Japanese tale that focuses on the obsession with these spirals. The small Japanese tattoo is mostly illustrated on this notion. It dictates how being too attached to something can lead to unfortunate events.

Small Monarch Butterfly Tattoo

Small Monarch Butterfly Tattoo

This milkweed butterfly is amazingly colorful. You will instantly recognize them in a room full of butterflies because of their unique orange-black patterns. These patterns are so well aligned that sometimes they appear as stripes.

In the tattoo, you should give this majestic insect a place to live. So, you can illustrate some flowers and gather some buddies of the butterfly so that it has some company.

Small Dragon Tattoo

Small Dragon Tattoo

Dragons were gigantic creatures that wreaked havoc everywhere they went. With their humongous wings, they could erupt hurricanes. With their razor-sharp teeth, they could chew even metal.

Having such a majestic creature in the palm of your hand can make you feel invincible. Every time you see a small dragon tattoo, you will feel that you have taken control of the dragon. You can even take over the world.

Small Bird Tattoo

Small Bird Tattoo

The avian species has a bunch of varieties ranging from humongous cultures to cute hummingbirds. The latter is the perfect choice for this kind of tattoo.

Your heart will instantly melt seeing the tattoo on your body. You will feel like your entire body is giving shelter to this delicate animal. You are bound to feel magnanimous. The overall appearance of the tattoo is quite aesthetic as well. The elegant feathers along with shiny eyes can make your heart beat faster every time you see the tattoo.

Small Nature Tattoo

Small Nature Tattoo 1
Small Nature Tattoo 2

Nothing beats natural tattoos. The intertwinement of flora and fauna along with the tapestry of vibrant colors can bring joy to even the dullest soul on the planet.

Although the depiction of a jungle is the norm, you should try to symbolize the tattoo in your manner. A good idea is to include yourself in the artwork as if you are all set to embark on a life-changing journey.

Small Moon Tattoo

Small Moon Tattoo

Millions and millions of songs and poems have been written dedicating the celestial object that keeps a watchful eye on the night.

The moon has many shapes depending on the transition it goes through. Perhaps the most aesthetic of them all is the crescent one. If you are opting for the tattoo then you should illustrate some small stars beside the moon so that it doesn't feel alone.

Small Pisces Tattoo

Small Pisces Tattoo

Do you always feel attracted to the sea? Whenever you touch the water, do you feel like ripping all your clothes, taking a deep dive into the waters, and playing with the fish? If you do then perhaps you are a Pisces.

The bearer of this zodiac sign is a lover of the seas and often has an outspoken nature. If you get the tattoo then it will represent how much you are confident about your personality and zodiac sign.

Small Dandelion Tattoo

Small Dandelion Tattoo

The outer structure of the dandelion is quite different from the other flowers. Most flowers have about 10-15 petals branching out from the inner core. However, in the case of dandelions, there are thousands of translucent petals stemming from the black core.

Each of the petals feels like they have layers inside of them. Because of such hypnotism, the small dandelion tattoo has gained quite some popularity. The parts slowly drifting away into the wild can make our hearts race.

Small Mountain Tattoo

Small Mountain Tattoo

Up close, mountains are gigantic objects of nature that cover an entire area. However, if you look at them from a distance, they only appear as zig-zag shapes where two ends meet in the same linear plane.

Although the sole imagery of the mountain is quite aesthetic, you can try to enhance the vibe even more by drawing a sun behind the mountain. It would appear as a scene of sunset which would look incredibly mesmerizing on the body.

Small Cross Tattoo

Small Cross Tattoo

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind is well documented. Even while he was being crucified, Jesus asked for the forgiveness of mortals to God. This tells us everything we need to know about his character.

The small cross tattoo is a discreet edible to showcase your passion for Jesus. Having Jesus in your life can make you much more calm and collected. In the chaotic world, the small cross tattoo is desperately needed to find solace.

Small Medusa Tattoo

Small Medusa Tattoo

Medusa was once one of the most beautiful women in all of the seven realms. One day, her beauty caught the notice of a goddess and she envied her. Out of desperation, she cursed Medusa and from that day on, no one could look into her eyes.

The overall appearance of Medusa is what chills our bones the most. From the snakes protruding from the head to the serpentine lower body, everything about her creeps us out. Having a small Medusa tattoo will both intrigue and terrify you.

Small Traditional Tattoo

Small Traditional Tattoo

Traditional tattoos try to represent a scene that makes you feel at home. During the war, many soldiers get this small tattoo so that they will feel calm even in a strange and unknown place.

These tattoos are quite colorful. One of the best traditional tattoo designs is the incorporation of modern buildings and structures and ornamenting them with divine patterns and hues. This way, your tattoo will look quite vintage. The artwork can bridge the gap between the past and present.

Small Peacock Feather Tattoo

Small Peacock Feather

Tattoo The peacock feathers had been used extensively in the past. They were utilized to make clothing and weapons for the people of the high echelon.

The jarring designs of the feathers gave an elegant touch to the overall attire. Even now, many brands actively use feathers to make their products. In the art world, peacock feathers are believed to be a symbol of luxury and power. When you have the tattoo on your forearm or neck, it will accentuate the beauty of the place to a whole new level.

Small Bat Tattoo

Small Bat Tattoo

You may seek to forget about these creatures of the nightmare but they seem to be relevant no matter what. Just recently, they wreaked havoc in the world due to their transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Millions of people all around the world got sick and some even died.

There are also depictions of these animals in pop culture such as Batman. Therefore, it's hard to ignore them. Rather than doing that, you should embrace these tiny dark friends of ours by getting a brilliant tattoo.

Small Angel Tattoo

Small Angel Tattoo

These spiritual entities are believed to be the protectors of humankind. You may not see them but they are always there to safeguard you from imminent dangers.

We all want a guardian in our lives who will always stay beside us in the roughest of times. The small angel tattoo can be your protector. Seeing the artistic imagery will make you feel that an angel is with you at all times.

Small Mermaid Tattoo

Small Mermaid Tattoo

These Sirens of the mythology are known to be so beautiful that you are bound to fall in love with just a glimpse of them. But beware. They can quickly drag you deep into the rough waters and strangle you.

The main reason why the small mermaid tattoo is so popular among people is its portrayal of the duality in human beings. There is always an opposite side of any concept and the mermaid tattoo represents this notion beautifully.

Small Sword Tattoo

Small Sword Tattoo

Other than being a weapon of death, swords are beautiful objects that have been associated with harmful notions in history. Whenever a king met with another king, they would often offer each other their most decorated swords.

So, we can understand that these swords can be interpreted as symbols of love and friendship. Aside from the symbolism, the design and patterns especially on the grip make the tattoo look quite amazing.

Small Compass Tattoo

Small Compass Tattoo

Although they may not have much relevance in the current era, they are still considered to be the savior of mankind. Back in the day, people had to travel far distances for various purposes. As the technology wasn’t as advanced as today, they would easily get lost in their path.

Taking the wrong one often led to subsequent dangers. Some were fortunate enough to tell the tale while others weren’t. The compass is what helped those people live. They pointed in the direction of safety. This colorful rendition of the compass in your body canvas will also guide you to success and prosperity.

Small Mushroom Tattoo

Small Mushroom Tattoo

Mushroom tattoos are adorable. This fluffy fungus grows on the side of the road or beside the ponds. They look kind of like umbrellas which open the door for a myriad of symbolism.

Perhaps, the most apparent one is that they protect people. There are a lot of evil energies lurking around us. They are looking to infiltrate our minds and compel us to do malicious acts. The small mushroom tattoo helps us keep them away.

Small Panda Tattoo

Small Panda Tattoo

It won’t be long before these adorable and fluffy animals go completely extinct. This is mainly because of how naive and lazy they are. They can’t even mate without the help of humans.

Although people have been trying to increase the numbers, pandas seem to get into trouble nonetheless and gravitate towards extinction. That’s why the small panda tattoo is considered to be a symbol of exclusivity.

Small Anchor Tattoo

Small Anchor Tattoo

The sea can be a scary place at times. With hurricanes and tsunamis occurring at any time, you are always moments away from meeting your death. However, there is one object that has been saving sailors' lives since the dark ages.

That is none other than the anchor. This mechanical instrument latches onto the ground and stabilizes the ship. Having a small anchor tattoo will surely stabilize your life as well.

Small Music Note Tattoo

Small Music Note Tattoo

Without music, the world is a wretched place with no beauty and symphonies. It would’ve been a barren place that no human being can live on. It's music that creates excitement and euphoria in all of us.

The synchronization of music notes is what creates an entire song. That’s why, music enthusiasts all over the world get the small symbols etched in their body canvas to showcase their passion for music.

Small Arrow Tattoo

Small Arrow Tattoo

The most apparent and straightforward depiction of any arrow is that it is an instrument of death. The sharp pointy end can pierce through the mortal skin at any minute and end anyone’s life.

However, there is one symbolism of the arrows that we always tend to miss. That is the notion of direction. When you release an arrow, it goes in one particular direction without deviating from its trajectory. Because of such linear characteristics, many people opt for the small arrow tattoo to have the same focus and direction in their lives.

Small Airplane Tattoo

Small Airplane Tattoo

In the current world of modern airplanes that hardly even look like airplanes anymore, the small airplane tattoo can become a beacon of hope. These tattoos often comprise old-fashioned warplanes with one linear wing.

This makes the overall tattoo look quite vintage. To create a symbol of the direction of navigation, you can illustrate an outline of a compass next to the airplane. This will always remind you to walk on the right path.

Small Swan Tattoo

Small Swan Tattoo

Swans are quite different from the other avian species. Their long neck along with orange beak and white plumage makes them appear as the queen of the bird species.

These small tattoos are especially popular among women because of the sensuality associated with them. The elegant curves of the swan complement the sensuality of the female body quite nicely. You will appear as a divine goddess because of the velvety texture of the swan tattoo.

Small Bear Tattoo

Small Bear Tattoo

Does Gen Z even care for bears to get a small bear tattoo? That's probably what has been going through your mind when you hear about this tattoo. However, with modern podcasts such as Joe Rogan talking about them continuously, the bears seem to have taken a special place in the heart of the modern generation.

Why won’t they? These humongous beasts of the jungle are so strong and fierce that everyone ought to respect them. If you also want the same level of admiration from your peers then this is the tattoo for you.

Small Cactus Tattoo

Small Cactus Tattoo

These thorny plants give your entire body canvas a desert vibe. They appear as mirages in a land where no living being exists.

The cactus tattoo is highly symbolic as it portrays the rough times in an individual’s life. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows. There will be obstacles just like the spikes in the outer surface of the cactus. You just have to overcome them to reach your destiny.

Small Alien Tattoo

Small Alien Tattoo

The first picture that comes to our mind when we think about aliens is a vicious creature attempting to kill us with its bizarre body parts. Some of the many have weird tentacles while others may have incredible psychic powers. These images are sure to make you have nightmares for days.

However, this is not the case for the small alien tattoo. These are adorable renditions of the celestial creatures. Rather than focusing on the external body parts, the tattoo mainly comprises the face of the alien as it holds the most details.

Small Koi Fish Tattoo

Small Koi Fish Tattoo

This is one of the most auspicious symbols on our list. Koi fish are a vibrant species that often swims gently in the rivers and lakes of Japan. Some are even seen to live in the ponds of temples.

Japanese people believe that these koi fish have the power to fight against evil spirits. They are known to protect the temples from these wretched spirits. So, when you have the tattoo, you will also feel protected.

Small Peach Tattoo

Small Peach Tattoo

In recent times, the symbol peach has been highly sexualized. Most people use it as a sign of the human butt.

Although the appearance is quite similar, the peach has a far better purpose than just being an emoji. The elegant shape along with the subtle colors on the outer surface, the small peach tattoo represents femininity in the most artistic way imaginable. It portrays that women have a voice as well.

Small Book Tattoo

Small Book Tattoo

Each of our lives is like a book. There are many chapters. Some of them are full of happiness whereas others consist of sadness and hardships.

The tattoo serves as an emblem of individuality. When you have this small tattoo, you will understand that each of our stories is different. So, you shouldn't compare yourself with others. You only need to focus on yourself.

Small Ladybug Tattoo

Small Ladybug Tattoo

The ladybug tattoos are incredibly dainty. They are one of my most favorite tattoo designs because of their elegant shape.

The best thing about the ladybug tattoo is the closed wing. There are such subtle colors and textures in the tattoo that you can’t help falling in love with the simple design.

Small Broken Heart Tattoo

Small Broken Heart Tattoo

This is quite an interesting tattoo as in modern depictions of the heart, a simple shape is used. Therefore, it is obvious to think that the tattoo of the heart will focus on that shape as well.

However, this small tattoo goes all out and tries to picture the heart in its natural shape. All of the complicated features such as veins and arteries are perfectly depicted. Every time you see the tattoo, you are captivated by the sheer number of details.

Small Rainbow Tattoo

Small Rainbow Tattoo

We only see seven distinct colors forming a jarring shape that can bring happiness in the roughest of hours. However, very few of us realize the inner workings of the phenomenon.

There are tiny water droplets scattered throughout the sky. When light hits the water droplets, it gets scattered and dispersed ultimately forming different rays. The aesthetic of the phenomenon is so beautiful that it deserves to be etched on the body canvas.

Small Quotes Tattoo

Small Quotes Tattoo

Many consider contemporary quotes to be cringe. These quotes consist of such obvious notions that you can’t help but laugh out loud. However, certain quotes have a huge influence on all of our lives.

Whenever we remember the quote, a boost of energy flows through our veins and we try to be as productive as possible. Now imagine the quote staying in your body for eternity. Your productivity will go through the roof.

Small Knife Tattoo

Small Knife Tattoo

The knife is one of the deadliest weapons of all time. With this, many wars were started and many ended. You can end or save someone’s life as well.

The small knife tattoo represents the duality of our lives. Each aspect of life has a positive and negative side. While we may tend to focus on only one, the other side will always remind you about its existence.

Small Cursive Tattoo

Small Cursive Tattoo

These cursive tattoos are so small that you won’t even see them most of the time. So, you may be wondering what's the point of it then?

Well, not all tattoos are meant to be showcased to the world. Some need to exist only for the water. The cursive tattoo represents the ups and downs of life. It motivates the wearer with its simple yet elegant imagery. There are no exaggerations or colors. It's just a straightforward depiction of life itself.

Small Racoon Tattoo

Small Racoon Tattoo

No one cared much about raccoons a little while back. It was considered to be a nurse who inflated rated households and stole items. But after the release of the movie ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’, everyone started to love these little creatures. From public enemy no 2, they became the most sought-after animals in the world. The craze even transitioned into the tattoo world.

Small Number Tattoo

Small Number Tattoo

Although there is a dedicated number for providing help for those who need it, how many of us call the number when we need it? We occupy ourselves with useless information while disregarding the important numbers.

With a small tattoo, you will never forget the important dates or numbers anymore. Wherever you are in a problematic situation, you can look at your tattoo and call 999. They will surely assist you in coming out of the trouble.

Small Tree Tattoo

Small Tree Tattoo

Trees provide us with so many necessities ranging from food to oxygen. Without them, we wouldn't be able to survive a single day. But in return for their favor, we destroy them daily.

Rather than demolishing their existence, why not get a beautiful small tree tattoo? Most trees don’t have much variety in them. The leaves are the same color. So, you should try to illustrate the tree tattoo using whimsical colors to create a notion of theatricality.

Small Bicep Tattoo

Small Bicep Tattoo

The bicep tattoos are full of theatricality. When you have a small tattoo in the area, the imagery will extend when you apply force to your bicep. The moment you release the pressure, the tattoo will return to its original shape.

There are many designs you can opt for. Perhaps, the best one is the celestial moon depicted with a monochromatic color scheme. Having such a majestic design on the bicep will surely make you feel invincible.

Small Abstract Tattoo

Small Abstract Tattoo

The small abstract tattoo comprises shapes and patterns that hardly make any sense. But still, it looks so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off it.

This tattoo is like a mirror. You see the symbolism and meaning behind the tattoo which you manifest inside of yourself. The colors are quite subtle therefore, it can soothe your soul every time you look at the tattoo.

Small Pumpkin Tattoo

Small Pumpkin Tattoo

As Halloween just went by, this is perhaps the best time to draw the small pumpkin tattoo. The elegant structure looks quite cute. It's also incredibly easy to illustrate.

The overall appearance of the tattoo is just like any other pumpkin. All you need to do is add some facial features for Halloween and voila. Expressions such as a smile or grin can go a long way.

Small Ostrich Tattoo

Small Ostrich Tattoo

Although there are many quintessential characteristics of the ostrich that match with avian species, it's still hard to digest that they are birds. Everything about them screams of a much superior organism that has descended from the outer sky.

Ostriches are sought in black and white plumage. For the sake of this tattoo, you can opt to draw the feathers in a myriad of colors. This way, your tattoo will create a festive vibe that will instantly uplift your mood.

Small Dog Paw Tattoo

Small Dog Paw Tattoo

The dog paw is adorable. If you love your pet canine to death then this is the perfect tattoo choice for you.

Each dog has their distinct paw patterns. Therefore, when you get the tattoo, it will represent your love for your pet dog. Through the colors and simple patterns, the connection between you two will only get stronger and stronger.

Small Moth Tattoo

Small Moth Tattoo

The life of a moth is quite tragic. These complex organisms live fairly short lives. The root of their short lifespan is their obsession with light.

Whenever they see light, they seek the source of it no matter where it is. On this journey, they mostly get eaten by other predators or fall into some kind of trap. The tattoo teaches us an important lesson that we shouldn’t chase our dreams blindly. Too much obsession can lead to our downfall.

Small Boat Tattoo

Small Boat Tattoo

The small boat tattoo teaches us an important lesson that life won’t always be the same. You will often have success. But sometimes, you will go through hardships.

Our lives are quite similar to the boat. While flowing in the waters, they can get completely shattered by the storm. After the storm, the boat gently flows in the calm waters. The small boat tattoo portrays that you just need to hang on. It's always the darkest before dawn.

Small Clock Tattoo

Small Clock Tattoo

This tattoo serves as a personal emblem to remind you that the clock is ticking. Especially if you are a procrastinator just like us, the clock tattoo will help you get things done.

The deeper meaning of the tattoo is that it represents the notion of living fully. We often spend our whole life doing things that we don’t want to. While being so immersed in work, we tend to completely ignore our family. The clock tattoo tells us that you have only one life. So, you should make it count unless it runs out.

Small Ghost Tattoo

Small Ghost Tattoo

The thought of ghosts can terrify us. Although there is no concrete source claiming that ghosts exist or not, the notion of them is more than enough to give us nightmares.

However, the small ghost tattoo would rather make you smile than frighten you. The fluffy shape with two dots which are depicted as eyes is so cute that you can’t help but hug the tattoo.

Small Flame Tattoo

Small Flame Tattoo

No matter how small the flame is, it is enough to get you burned. So, it doesn't matter if the tattoo is small or not. The intensity of the flame is always the same.

The flame is typically seen in a vibrant red color. However, for the case of this tattoo, some other colors closely linked to red are used. Some certain numbers and words have a particular meaning in our lives. It can be the date of our birth or the name of our loved one. You can include these if you want in your tattoo.

Small Realism Tattoo

Small Realism Tattoo

The small realism tattoo copes with the rise of the earth itself. Rather than illustrating the earth in its typical fashion, it's best to draw the tattoo using a variety of vibrant colors.

This way, it will take some time for the viewers to understand if it's either Earth or any other planet. This is what makes the tattoo so interesting. The realistic tattoo portrays the same old planet as ours in a completely new design.

Small Yin Yang Tattoo

Small Yin Yang Tattoo

The yin-yang tattoo was conceptualized in the Chinese dynasty. The artwork represents the duality of mankind. Whenever there is something positive, there will be a negative as well.

The symbol of yin yang is quite simple. Two equal portions of black and white are illustrated circularly. The tattoo may not look like much but the symbolism behind it will intrigue many.

Small Sunset Tattoo

Small Sunset Tattoo

There is no other scenery as alluring as the moment when the sun gradually sets and night occurs. The disappearance of the sun and the rise of the moon happens so quickly that sometimes our minds can't even comprehend what is going on.

Most people may be wondering how on earth can such a scenario be depicted in such a small area. Well, you can just include some trees and mountains in the front and a vibrant red color in the background portraying the sunset.

Small Bunny Tattoo

Small Bunny Tattoo

Small Cloud Tattoo

Small Cloud Tattoo

Small Key Tattoo

Small Key Tattoo

Small Frog Tattoo

Small Frog Tattoo

Small Camera Tattoo

Small Camera Tattoo

Small Bumble Bee Tattoo

Small Bumble Bee Tattoo

Small Stomach Tattoo

Small Stomach Tattoo

Small Motorcycle Tattoo

Small Motorcycle Tattoo

Small Clown Tattoo

Small Clown Tattoo

Small Michael Myers Tattoo

Small Michael Myers Tattoo

Small Travel Tattoo

Small Travel Tattoo

Small Pineapple Tattoo

Small Pineapple Tattoo

Small Bow Tattoo

Small Bow Tattoo

Small Leo Tattoo

Small Leo Tattoo

Small Money Bag Tattoo

Small Money Bag Tattoo

Small Cupid Tattoo

Small Cupid Tattoo

Small Flamingo Tattoo

Small Flamingo Tattoo

Small Capricorn Tattoo

Small Capricorn Tattoo

Small Knee Tattoo

Small Knee Tattoo

Small Hawaiian Tattoo

Small Hawaiian Tattoo

Small One Piece Tattoo

Small One Piece Tattoo

Small Celtic Knot Tattoo

Small Celtic Knot Tattoo

Small Giraffe Tattoo

Small Giraffe Tattoo

Small Centipede Tattoo

Small Centipede Tattoo

Small Fire Tattoo

Small Fire Tattoo 1
Small Fire Tattoo 2

Small Hamsa Tattoo

Small Hamsa Tattoo

Small Dice Tattoo

Small Dice Tattoo

Small Gecko Tattoo

Small Gecko Tattoo

Small Galaxy Tattoo

Small Galaxy Tattoo

Small Ocean Tattoo

Small Ocean Tattoo

Small Jellyfish Tattoo

Small Jellyfish Tattoo 1
Small Jellyfish Tattoo 2

Small Font Tattoo

Small Font Tattoo

Small Cowboy Hat Tattoo

Small Cowboy Hat Tattoo

Small Ufo Tattoo

Small Ufo Tattoo

Small Dot Tattoo

Small Dot Tattoo

Small Gun Tattoo

Small Gun Tattoo

Small Joker Tattoo

Small Joker Tattoo

Small Circle Tattoo

Small Circle Tattoo

Small Fern Tattoo

Small Fern Tattoo

Small Olive Branch Tattoo

Small Olive Branch Tattoo

Small Ohana Tattoo

Small Ohana Tattoo

Small Saturn Tattoo

Small Saturn Tattoo

Small Palm Tree Tattoo

Small Palm Tree Tattoo

Small Seahorse Tattoo

Small Seahorse Tattoo

Small Groot Tattoo

Small Groot Tattoo

Small Jason Mask Tattoo

Small Jason Mask Tattoo

Small Date Tattoo

Small Date Tattoo 1
Small Date Tattoo 2

Small Lizard Tattoo

Small Lizard Tattoo

Small Eiffel Tower Tattoo

Small Eiffel Tower Tattoo

Small Microphone Tattoo

Small Microphone Tattoo 1
Small Microphone Tattoo 2

Small Pizza Tattoo

Small Pizza Tattoo

Small Seashell Tattoo

Small Seashell Tattoo

Small Lighthouse Tattoo

Small Lighthouse Tattoo 1
Small Lighthouse Tattoo 2

Small King Crown Tattoo

Small King Crown Tattoo

Small Jesus Face Tattoo

Small Jesus Face Tattoo

Small Guitar Tattoo

Small Guitar Tattoo

Small Lobster Tattoo

Small Lobster Tattoo

Small Evil Eye Tattoo

Small Evil Eye Tattoo

Small Jack Skellington Tattoo

Small Jack Skellington Tattoo
Small Jack Skellington Tattoo 2

Small Scissor Tattoo

Small Scissor Tattoo

Small Katana Tattoo

Small Katana Tattoo

Small Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo

Small Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo 1
Small Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo 2

Small Lemon Tattoo

Small Lemon Tattoo

Small Sloth Tattoo

Small Sloth Tattoo

Small Mickey Mouse Tattoo

Small Mickey Mouse Tattoo

Small Nordic Tattoo

Small Nordic Tattoo

Small Otter Tattoo

Small Otter Tattoo

Small Squirrel Tattoo

Small Squirrel Tattoo 1
Small Squirrel Tattoo 2

Frequently Asked Question

Small tattoo is such a broad topic that there are endless questions arising in each of our hearts. Answering them all is quite impossible. So, we have tried to decipher those that are the most intriguing. If you still have some doubts regarding the small tattoos then feel free to reach out.

Q: Why Are Small Tattoos So Popular?

Ans: The reason is quite simple. As you can see from our list of designs the small tattoos are quite diverse. You can change a plethora of designs to commemorate your beliefs and outlook on life. Another reason is that these tattoos are easy to etch. They are discreet emblems that don’t require much exaggeration. The minimalist nature tends to soothe our souls.

Q: Do Small Tattoos Hurt?

Ans: Any kind of tattoo will hurt. However, as the small tattoo requires less number of features, they are much less painful than the ones with intricate details.

Q: Which Is The Best Small Tattoo?

Ans: It depends on your preference. Some like the small panda tattoo because of the cuteness while others prefer the bird tattoo as it symbolizes the will to express themselves. You have to look within yourself to find out the tattoo that resonates with you.

Final Verdict

Most people have quite a love-and-hate relationship when it comes to small tattoos. Some people claim that there is no significance in getting the tattoo as most of the time, the tattoos can’t even be viewed by others. Although it's true, the main objective of the small tattoo is not to appear masculine in front of others. The tattoo is illustrated so that it works as a reminder to better yourself. Seeing the artwork can calm you when you are furious. When you are constantly meeting failures, the tattoo can compel you to push forward. There are far more objectives of small tattoos than we can fathom. The possibility is endless.

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