Preserving the tattoo and shielding it from the public eye are two of the most common ways to form an inseparable bond with the tattoo.
However, if your priority is to wear your heart on your sleeve, and be as transparent as possible, a plethora of options can meet that criteria. One of them is a throat tattoo, which is more renowned than meets the eye.
A throat tattoo is surely one of the most desirable options at the moment, according to men. Among one of the primary appeals is the exposure it receives, with its delicacy being another selling point. Don’t get too excited, however, as throat tattoos do contain shortcomings.
From dropping a list of the best throat tattoos to unveiling the brutal creative process of the artwork, this article carries almost everything one needs. If you have yet to come up with a concept, but would like to join in on the movement, don’t take this write-up for granted!
“Brutal, But Worth The While”: Assessing The Pain Level Of Throat Tattoos
Throat tattoos are delicate, compact in size, and tend to age gracefully due to being out in the open at all times. However, not enough attention is invested or preserved for the pain-level of the creative process behind a throat tattoo; an element that many fail to comprehend and absorb.
Since the skin around the throat is rather thin and underneath the throat are large structures that are all bone, obtaining a throat tattoo is brutal, according to many. It doesn’t even spare veterans, as the nerve endings are rather close to the surface of the layer. Not only is obtaining a throat tattoo difficult for beginners to take up, but it is also known for being a pick that even veterans contemplate multiple times.
There’s always a way of controlling the outcome, though. Likewise, if getting a throat tattoo is a must, apply numbing cream 30 minutes before the session, and have a nutrient-dense meal to calm your nerves.
Worthwhile Throat Tattoo Ideas That Are Currently Making Their Mark In The Men’s Section!
At the moment, due to advancement in technology, it is possible to mimic the pattern of various figures into a tattoo. Using larger areas is recommended, though, as the locations are more resilient and spacious than compact and susceptible candidates.
If you do want something that is straightforward and moderately-sized, a throat tattoo can easily be added into the mix. Moreover, if interested, you may even give the following list of entries a view, as it really brings to light the ceiling of a portrait tattoo.
Owl Throat Tattoo

Aiming for spiritual growth is never a bad idea. In fact, if you need a helping hand to achieve that goal, we’ve got just the right tool for you.
An owl tattoo reprises the wisdom an owl possesses in ancient mythology. The artwork carries the same visuals one may find behind an average-sized owl, with its eyes being the most compelling part. However, if the former is too painful to comprehend, installing an emblem could be an effective alternative.
Geometric Throat Tattoo

Notes of shapes, objects, and even sharp angles can easily make a great tattoo when illustrated with care. Likewise, while minimal, the same elements can be thrown into the groundwork of a stencil to form a tattoo around the throat.
Geometric tattoos are quite soothing, carrying stencils that prioritize proportion. The artwork is usually depicted using the finest needle, and often makes no space for color.
Obtaining a geometric tattoo on the throat is the perfect option for artists as well as tattoo enthusiasts, since the creative process is quite lenient. The upkeep of each variation is favorable, requiring one or two touch-ups each year.
Eagle Throat Tattoo

As you grow older, wisdom comes naturally. Being wise, while unrewarding from a monetary standpoint, could be helpful later on in life, especially if mentoring someone is a primary goal of yours.
In the world of tattoos, among others, an eagle is surely a frontrunner. With jarring visuals and a long stride on the outside, and a powerful meaning on the inside, it is quite easy to validate the power of the symbol. Many even obtain downsized variations of it and pair it with a throat tattoo to keep the energy as close as possible.
Mandala Throat Tattoo

Letting go of naive traits could be difficult, but mandatory for character development. According to many, carrying qualities often aligned with immaturity isn’t just unattractive, but also hampers the person from finding contentment in life, which can be crucial after a certain point.
Though complex, mandala symbols are great concepts to adopt for compact areas, especially if you’re lost in life, and in desperate need of guidance. The illustration can even be fused with the qualities of a throat tattoo, but only if exposure is a primary aim.
Skull Throat Tattoo

While intimidating from afar, a tattoo that possesses the term “never judge a book by its cover,” like the back of its hand is a skull tattoo, often associated with death. Though it only brings to light the inevitability of death, it also allows the wearer to enjoy life, and change themselves for the better.
A skull tattoo can be implemented anywhere. Yes, anywhere. Even the throat. In fact, when push comes to shove, a narrow-stitch figure of a skull pairs quite well with the energy of the throat.
Wolf Throat Tattoo

Wolves are known for being fearless, especially if it’s for their loved ones. They possess qualities that can be great for family-oriented individuals to adopt and replicate, resulting in growth in the long run.
A portrait of a wolf with notes of realism can be a great way to showcase the creature as an art piece as meaningful as a tattoo. You may illustrate the sketch with abstract pieces as well, especially if you’re sensitive to pain.
Dragon Throat Tattoo

Dragons remain popular in pop culture, which is justified once you look into the power it holds in mythology. According to many, dragons are not just glorified, but also known for being strong enough to shape the fate of one’s future. Not only do people obtain them as tattoos, but many also worship them religiously.
When portrayed as a tattoo, larger areas are often preferred. However, if subtlety is more like your cup of tea, place it around the throat instead!
Crown Throat Tattoo

Crowns represent those who survive all the feelings of adversity and obstacles that are thrown at them in life. Therefore, when depicted as a tattoo, the artwork represents not just a survivor, but a warrior with a resilient mindset.
A crown can also provide a sense of reassurance when struggling with things that are beyond one’s control. It also gives one the ability to think and feel deeply for people, making it useful when forming alliances with other people. The layout is also quite basic, making it the perfect match for a collarbone tattoo.
Egyptian Throat Tattoo

With aztec patterns, symbols of tombs, and sketches of pharaohs, a tattoo or artwork with Egyptians ties might just sweep one by their feet. However, since we are talking about throat tattoos here, cropping the size and reducing the volume of components while depicting something admirable should be the main aim.
If you’re out of options, you’re more than welcome to take notes from the concept of this throat tattoo, with symptoms of an average Egyptian tattoo. To replicate it, be sure to reach out to an artist with aligned qualifications.
Full Throat Tattoo

If you put in the work, finding success should be a walk in the park. Likewise, if you would like a throat tattoo that tells a story and keeps the audience interested, pursue a full throat tattoo, especially if your mind is resilient against pain.
Having the composure to wear a full-size throat tattoo is a gift. In fact, when push comes to shove, many tattoo enthusiasts often have nothing but flowers to give to wearers of a full throat tattoo; not because of their patience, but also for their creativity. They express their concerns regarding the creative process, however, which is more expensive than expected.
Rose Throat Tattoo

Being in love shouldn’t be kept a secret, but celebrated. And if you’d like to celebrate with a tattoo, don’t forget to use the symbol of a rose, which carries all the power of love.
A rose throat tattoo is the perfect way to let your partner know how much you mean to them, and has been known for improving the state of various relationships. To make the artwork more relatable and less generic, be sure to use initials of the person you’re obtaining it for.
Lion Throat Tattoo

Lion tattoos typically struggle to adjust to the size provided by the throat, but manage to fit in when the stencil isn’t based around 3-dimensional components. It remains a popular pick due to its symbolism, being associated with strength and courage.
A lion throat tattoo encourages men to take up more responsibility, and forgo bad habits. It also possesses the ability to begin the recovery process of addicts.
Octopus Throat Tattoo

Multitasking is an ability that can work wonders for many, often known for being linked to efficiency. While monotasking is what many people prefer, multitasking offers more creative freedom, establishing more fun and less monotony to the activity.
In the world of tattoos, an octopus tattoo is what brings more light to the fun of multitasking. It is also a great pick for talented people, while also catering to those who are into mythical creatures.
Tribal Throat Tattoo

Tribal tattoos are complicated and expensive to wear, regardless of the kind of pattern you get or the person you take help from. Don’t leave it behind as a promising contender though, as a tribal tattoo allows one to have a sense of belonging, a rare feeling that many don’t get to experience.
In addition to being good for one’s esteem, a tribal throat tattoo also enables one to pay homage to their ancestors, and form an inseparable bond with their culture.
Viking Throat Tattoo

Vikings were big on braids, but even bigger on tattoos. Since intimidating their opponents was the main aim, Vikings never shied away from covering their bodies with tattoos, which proved to be an effective strategy.
A throat tattoo possessing symbols that Vikings formed can be a good way of representing, and even carrying a Viking-like mindset. On most occasions, having one in your arsenal will encourage you to right your wrongs.
Snake Throat Tattoo

Going through difficult times isn't for everyone, but stays inevitable nonetheless. Sometimes, while temporary, the pain caused tends to be detrimental to one’s mental health, which is where a snake tattoo comes in.
Snake tattoos are known for carrying healing abilities, serving as a source of remedy for victims of toxicity. While the artwork carries a sense of realism when depicted in larger body parts, a snake tattoo can also come in the form of a throat tattoo.
Dove Throat Tattoo

There’s nothing that defines purity more than the design of a dove tattoo, which can be another compelling candidate for your throat tattoo. Since it also has a crucial role in the afterlife, a dove can also be used to pay homage to a loved one you’ve recently lost.
If you execute this plan, consider adding more to the blueprint. Enhance the dove tattoo with equally minimal components, such as initials, dates, and so on.
Traditional Throat Tattoo

If you don’t want to convey a deep message or a feeling that many could comprehend, focus more on what the tattoo looks like. If a throat tattoo is part of the agenda, try getting a traditional throat tattoo!
Traditional pieces are formed with vibrant shades and chunky frames. When showcased as a throat tattoo, the dimensions seem significantly reduced in size.
Spider Web Throat

Tattoo A spider web is one of the more common finds on those with throat tattoos, since illustrating the pattern is a walk in the park, and more importantly, painless. Although colorless, having the artwork around can be a blessing for those dealing with hardship, since it often provides a shoulder to cry on.
Depicting the artwork with the finest needle can give the artwork more structure. To make it more presentable, fill the illustration in with a black and grey scheme.
Cross Throat Tattoo

Finding strength during tough times is a chore and a half, especially if you’re struggling on your own. While reaching out to friends and family is something we would suggest one to carry out, one may also invest their trust in a tattoo to deal with it in private.
Cross tattoos are usually the go-to pick for Christians, often serving as a sign of hope. Though you may skim through the rest of the options if you’re not a follower of Christianity, we hope you obtain it as a throat tattoo to pull you out of the hole you’ve dug yourself in if it’s the opposite.
Tiger Throat Tattoo

A throat tattoo’s ceiling is as high as whatever you want it to be. In all honesty, the world is your oyster when you’re experimenting with a throat tattoo, since it can welcome and display almost anything that your mind can think of.
A tiger tattoo could be difficult to add, but doable if you allow a professional to handle your demands of obtaining a throat tattoo. Break the creative process down into multiple sessions, since the procedure is quite uncomfortable for first-timers.
Wings Throat Tattoo

Minimal symbols once again take the lead on this list, offering tons of benefits to those inclined towards a throat tattoo. Unlike most of the previous options, however, this one is associated with the afterlife.
Comprising two wings curated with a fine-line needle, this throat tattoo can inspire men to explore their religion again, forming a stronger relationship with God. Using Latin symbols is also a move that plenty make when adopting this scheme.
Moth Throat Tattoo

We admit. Moths aren’t as elegant as some of the candidates on this list, at least from the outside. If you’re a big fan of metaphors, however, a moth will fit like a glove with your interests.
A moth throat tattoo is one that defines the inevitability of death, which philosophical minds gravitate towards. The artwork fits perfectly around the throat, but also adjusts well with the dimensions of either one of the two sides when downscaled.
Jesus Throat Tattoo

If life feels unfulfilled without religion in your eyes, you might as well make that the main subject of your throat tattoo. If you’re a follower of Christianity, might we suggest getting a tattoo of Jesus? A portrait tattoo, perhaps?
If you’re on board, know that it will be rewarding, as the portrait has features that run in detail. Make enough time for it though, since reaching completion with this tattoo takes a while.
Anchor Throat Tattoo

An anchor tattoo can be a great assistant when working past and coming to terms with hard times. It was initially popularized in the 18th century, and assigned the task of carrying the weight of sea cruises and ships.
In the present day, an anchor throat tattoo is known for carrying the weight of human emotions, being a pivotal tool for improving one’s mental health. The design can carry tons of size, but looks best when minimized.
Women Throat Tattoo

A special feature on this list is a throat tattoo which has yet to garner some influence over men’s fashion. When push comes to shove, though, this artwork is definitely the frontrunner as a throat tattoo among women.
Since the pain level is rather intense, finding minimalistic symbols that are easy to install and gentle on the skin are the two most compelling attributes to look into. If you’re seeking some color, we suggest you side with an artwork that feels better when illustrated with a colored needle, as opposed to using a magnum shader needle, the tool used for color tattoos.
Don’t just focus on the visuals, but also pay attention to what you’re adding to your arsenal. In other words, make more time for how you feel about the tattoo, since an artwork with no sentimental value is one that brings short-term success.
Frequently Asked Question
Throat tattoos, while painful, can be a remarkable way for one to show just how resilient they are, from both a physical and mental standpoint. In order to completely work past its shortcomings, though, it is important that you’re aware of the basic fundamentals that surround a throat tattoo.
While doing research at this instant might help, you may also place your trust in the following questionnaire for the same, if not, a much better outcome.
Q: What do throat tattoos symbolize?
Ans: Even though it is open to interpretation, a throat tattoo is a hub for those that are fearless and brave. Additionally, a throat tattoo discloses the unbreakable strength of many who wear it at the end of the day, since the movement ranks rather high on the tattoo pain chart.
Q: How long does it take to obtain a throat tattoo?
Ans: Despite lacking size, a throat tattoo demands time to reach completion. On average, even a piece that lacks detail takes around 5 hours, mainly due to the vulnerability of the area. Therefore, if your heart desires a throat tattoo after all, clear your schedule accordingly.
We hope this article, which covers the characteristics, creative process, and popular designs among throat tattoos for men, gives you the small push you need to partake in the trend. Although the genre struggled in the formative years, a throat tattoo gained recognition in the earliest moments of the 21st century, and is currently one of the frontrunners in pop culture.
Throat tattoos bring forward tons of pain to the wearer, and can be anxiety-inducing for artists to create. To establish a sense of balance, we recommend you take help from items such as numbing cream and consume painkillers. For artists, breaking the creative process down into multiple manageable sessions could ease their nerves.
At the end of the day, it’s not about what a tattoo looks like, but the impact it makes in your life. Therefore, before you pick the layout, consider how emotionally attached you are to the concept for your next throat tattoo.