115 Cute Thigh Tattoo Ideas For Women To Cause A Frenzy

115 Cute Thigh Tattoo Ideas For Women To Cause A Frenzy

Although we claim to live in a world that is devoid of patriarchy, it still exists in every realm of society. Women are still considered to be an object whose only purpose in life is to satisfy the men. Their voices are being oppressed even by their fellow females.

Things need to change. The only way to achieve a change in this sickening society is by changing the mindset of women. They need to be confident with themselves. Men take advantage of women because they themselves think they are inferior to men.

The thigh tattoo can work as an amulet to finally speak against the norms of the society. With the tapestry of colors and intricate patterns, women can finally rejoice their womanhood and be proud of themselves. The thigh tattoo may look like a simple imagery however it can work wonders in breaking the conformities of our so called civilized world.

Does a thigh tattoo hurt? Ranking The Thigh Tattoo In The Pain Index

Thigh tattoos are one of the least painful tattoos according to tattoo enthusiasts all over the world. The reason behind this is that your thigh has quite a bit of muscle to it. Therefore, the skin is much further away from the inner bone and cartilage compared to locations such as the chest or spine.

Moreover, there are fewer nerve endings which create very little sensation and irritation in the skin which leads to decreased risk of infection. All in all, the thigh tattoo is the perfect tattoo if you are looking for a painless experience.

We are going to give the thigh tattoo for women a pain score of only 2. It can only tickle your skin at the beginning however you won’t have to endure any pain in the later stage.

Stylish Thigh Tattoos For Women Designs That Will Make You Obsessed

Women’s bodies are one of the most sensual things on the planet. Especially, the curve between the thigh and the leg is enough to excite even the most boring of souls. Therefore, you should be extra cautious not to ruin the appearance of the thigh by etching a hideous tattoo.

Tattoos that have a macho and dark look don't go well in the thigh. You may want to look menacing but the imagery of the tattoo doesn’t completely the elegance of your thigh.

Instead, you should always prefer a subtle tattoo with deep meaning. The patterns and the colors must be for a purpose. You should never illustrate a tattoo with unnecessary and sophisticated patterns. It will only confuse you. So to help you in choosing the best design, we have compiled a list of the most stylish thigh tattoo designs for women. Enjoy.

Side Thigh Tattoo Side

Side Thigh Tattoo Side

thigh tattoos are much less hasslefree than the other tattoos on our list. They work as an discreet artwork that only whispers to the wearer.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the side thigh tattoo is that when you look at the tattoo, it feels like it is peeking through your shorts. This type of mysticism cannot be found in any other type of tattoo.

Side thigh tattoos demand a full spectrum of colors. Although monochromatic color schemes aren't bad, they don't complement the minimalistic patterns in the same way as the colorful ones.

Flower Thigh Tattoo

Flower Thigh Tattoo

You can never go wrong with the flower thigh tattoo. Even if you intentionally make mistakes while etching the tattoo on your body canvas, the outcome is always breathtaking.

So why is that? Well, each flower has its own beautiful characteristics. Some of them may have elongated petals while others have a hollow core. Whatever the morphology is, at the end of the day they all are gifts of mother nature. Gifts are always precious.

Rather than drawing a single flower, it's best to intertwine a bunch of flowers to create a garden-like feel in your thigh. It would make you look like you are a part of nature as well.

Back Of Thigh Tattoo

Back Of Thigh Tattoo

Back thigh tattoos are quite concealed and they can't be viewed as easily as the other tattoos on the list. To do that, you need a magical power to rotate your head 360 degrees.

Perhaps for this reason, many people frown upon this particular tattoo. However, we think that it's a great choice. Tattoos aren't meant to showcase to the world at all times. Sometimes, it needs to be intimate. As long as the wearer knows of its existence, all is good. There is also quite a lot of space in the back of the ankle. Therefore you have the opportunity to illustrate whatever your heart desires.

Dragon Thigh Tattoo

Dragon Thigh Tattoo

There isn't a more menacing creature to etch on the thigh than the dragon. Back in the day, these majestic beings used to wreak havoc on the sky with their insane strength and humongous wings.

The best reason why you should get the dragon thigh is because your thigh has a bit of flesh to it. Therefore when you move, it tends to bounce. If there is a dragon tattoo there, it will also move.

Just imagine the scenario it will create. The tattooed dragon will appear to slowly move in the realms of your skin.

Butterfly Thigh Tattoo

Butterfly Thigh Tattoo

Butterflies have always been associated with good luck and prosperity. Whenever there is a butterfly in the household, we tend to get happy thinking that there is something special awaiting for us in the future.

So, you can understand just how symbolic the butterfly tattoo is. When you have the tattoo on your thigh, you will start to feel a sudden burst of positive energy. It will compel you to achieve everything you ever wanted.

The most jarring part about the butterflies is the two colorful wings. That's why you need to put special emphasis on these magical components.

Medusa Thigh Tattoo

Medusa Thigh Tattoo

The tale of medusa is quite tragic. Once her beauty was praised throughout the world. Her elegance was so alluring that even some goddess took envy to her.

So, she cursed her. From that unfateful day, no one could glance at her. Whoever looks at her eyes would be turned into complete stone. Since then, she has become a murderous monster. Rage has totally consumed her.

The medusa thigh tattoo symbolizes the transition of life. It's easy to deviate from our original path and become something truly despicable. That's why we always need to be calm and collected.

Rose Thigh Tattoo

Rose Thigh Tattoo

Your thigh is a delicate looking place. It's perhaps the closest region from motherhood. That's why hideous looking designs shouldn't even be etched anywhere near the thigh.

The only tattoo that complements the thigh beautifully is the rose tattoo. The elegance of the rose with its intricate and vibrant petals bring out a festive mood.

The spiky thorns paint a cruel picture that oftentimes, there lies a secret beneath all the beauty. You won't find any other tattoo with such meaning and symbolism.

Inner Thigh Tattoo

Inner Thigh Tattoo

The inner thigh tattoo tends to be more painful. However when you notice the complete form, you are bound to think that it is completely worth it.

The inner thigh tattoo doesn't demand any sort of attention. The artworks just simply blend with your skin creating a soothing ambience. No matter how bad your day is going, looking at the tattoo will surely relieve some pressure. You will start to feel a lot more relaxed.

Small Thigh Tattoo

Small Thigh Tattoo

Small thigh tattoos may not look like much, they have a knack for drawing people's attention. When you wear a short skirt, the tattoo will peek through the cloth creating a magical scenario.

The best thing about this tattoo is how quickly you can get it done. Sometimes, it takes hours on end to get a tattoo. Waiting for such a long time can be excruciatingly painful. The small tattoo is quick and conveys the same message and symbolism without having to endure any pain.

Dream Catcher Thigh Tattoo

Dream Catcher Thigh Tattoo

The jarring design of this tattoo is enough to allure even the most mundane of soules. From the elegant disc dangling from the upside to the feather-like components slowly moving with breeze, everything about the tattoo is immensely mystifying.

Although you can draw a simplistic looking tattoo, you should incorporate as many details as possible to make it look realistic. The realistic rendition will make you feel much more superior among your peers. So don't shy aways from drawing the tiny little curves or the spirals in the center piece. Each of them adds a unique depth to the tattoo.

Elephant Thigh Tattoo

Elephant Thigh Tattoo

Elephant is widely known as the largest animal to exist on the land. They are so humongous that even their footsteps can cause an earthquake.

If you are looking to portray your strength and desire to rise above, there isn't anything better than the elephant thigh tattoo. Rather than drawing the creature in naked form, it's best to decorate a bit to showcase flamboyance. Ancient Persians used to ornament the body and the head of the elephant to intimidate the opponents. You should do the same.

Quote Thigh Tattoo

Quote Thigh Tattoo

There is a general consensus among many critics that the quote thigh tattoo is redundant as it comprises texts rather than art pieces. Their opinion is that a tattoo is a pictorial rendition of the wearer's emotions and personalities.

However, we beg to differ. Although it's true what they claim, there are often times when a particular quote influences us so much that we drastically become a better version of ourselves overnight. Such a quote deserves to be immortalized in the thigh for decades.

Upper Thigh Tattoo

Upper Thigh Tattoo

Tattoos can be extremely painful to endure. There are often times that they lead to skin infections which subsequently result in hundreds of dollars being spent on medical bills.

We ponder over this aspect and choose not to get a tattoo. However, you can get an upper thigh tattoo which is completely devoid of pain. Your tattoo will be done in a jiffy without you even realizing.

Mandala Thigh Tattoo

Mandala Thigh Tattoo

At a glance, these types of thigh tattoos resemble the intricacies of intertwining flowers. It's as if multiple petals were merged to create something truly awe inspiring.

However upon further inspection, you start to realize that the design is far more complicated than it seems. Each of the petal shapes have their own layers that just keep on appearing as you look closer. These patterns have such a sense of theatricality in them that you are bound to be amazed.

Octopus Thigh Tattoo

Octopus Thigh Tattoo

This is one of the most bizarre looking thigh tattoos you will come across and for good reasons. Who wants a sticky tentacled creature crawling from their thigh? Just the thought of it is enough to give you creeps.

However you will be surprised to know that these designs are one of the most searched ones on the internet. For some reason, women seem to gravitate immensely towards these sticky friends of ours. Perhaps, it's their bizarre appearance that compels them to get the tattoo.

Koi Fish Thigh Tattoo

Koi Fish Thigh Tattoo

The koi fish tattoo is quite an auspicious one as it is believed to safeguard the wearer from all the evil entities. The symbolism stems from the Japanese and Chinese culture where they are portrayed to be the guardians of the temples.

Women are often subjected to the evil eye. Many people with malicious intent will trail them for a number of reasons. The koi fish tattoo on your thigh will give you the strength to fight them off.

Thigh Band Tattoo

Thigh Band Tattoo

Band tattoos function more as an emblem of passion and dedication than a mere imagery. When you have a band tattoo, it means that you are fully attached to it.

No matter what happens, you will never back down. So if you have something that you adore and want to stay beside you for the rest of your life then there is no better tattoo than this one.

Bow Thigh Tattoo

Bow Thigh Tattoo

The true potential of an archer is burnished by the capability of the bow. Even the finest archers in the world will miss their mark if they shoot their arrow from a broken or malfunctioned bow.

You may be scratching your head thinking what's the meaning behind it. Well, the arrow is a symbol of your pay Now without the pressure from the bow, the arrow won't go to any trajectory. This symbolizes that without a bit of push, even you can't achieve your success.

Sunflower Thigh Tattoo

Sunflower Thigh Tattoo

The sunflower thigh tattoo feels like the radiating sun is glowing deeply in the realm of your thigh. The radiation is so intense that the tattoo is even exuding the energy to the nearby regions.

This type of tattoo is an amulet of passion and integrity. If you often have pessimistic thoughts lurking inside that head of yours then this tattoo can be a remedy. The jarring design of the sunflower will compel you to live a life of solace.

Phoenix Thigh Tattoo

Phoenix Thigh Tattoo

We all know the story of the phoenix so we won't bore you. The concept of rising from the ashes is heavily relatable to women.

Many times, women find their backs against the wall. It feels like the whole world is conspiring against you. Everything starts to crumble down. Your shoulders get tired of carrying the burden. In such times of distress, you may feel like giving it your all. However the phoenix thigh tattoo will work as a stark reminder that all is not lost

Cherry Blossom Thigh Tattoo

Cherry Blossom Thigh Tattoo

The cherry blossom lights your entire thigh on fire. The exuberant colors along with the elegant patterns of the delicate flowers surely bring out a festive vibe in the area.

Life can be immensely dull at times. Staring at a computer screen for hours on end won't get you anywhere. So why not bring a little bit of excitement with the cherry blossom thigh tattoo? The tattoo will surely uplift your mood.

Simple Thigh Tattoo

Simple Thigh Tattoo

Gone are the days when realistic looking tattoos were in vogue. Nowadays, an artist's prowess is determined by how simply they can illustrate an art piece.

Although this may seem deluded to you, illustrating a jarring design in a simple renstrom takes far more work. You have to use every ounce of your creativity to make it work. That's why the simple thigh tattoos are so impressive.

Angel Thigh Tattoo

Angel Thigh Tattoo

Who doesn't need a guardian in their life? We always aspire to be at our side when things go wrong. Whenever there is some malicious intent trying to lurk its way through our mind, it will stop it from polluting our mind.

If you also aspire someone to safeguard you at all times then the angel thigh tattoo is just for you. The auspicious aura the angel tattoo exudes will always protect you every step in the way.

Big Thigh Tattoo

Big Thigh Tattoo

Illustrating the thigh tattoo only in half of your thigh will create a sense of incompleteness in you. You won't feel satisfied by the imagery.

That's why it's better to go all out. You should illustrate your entire thigh with bold and beautiful colors. The pattern needs to cover each of the thighs. It will elevate your overall look to a whole new dimension. Your peers will start to envy you on how stylish you look.

Skull Thigh Tattoo

Skull Thigh Tattoo

The skull thigh tattoo allows us to take a gander at the horrifying concept known as death. No matter how much you try to avoid it, it is inevitable.

The artwork is important for every woman as it depicts that life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Horrifying things happen on a daily basis all around the world. There are people with malicious intent trying to harm you. That’s why, you have to keep a watchful eye at all times.

Feather Thigh Tattoo

Feather Thigh Tattoo

The use of feathers has been reduced in recent years. However in ancient civilization they are known to be a symbol of power and strength. Many of the higher ups of the society wore headdresses made out of peacock feathers to look exclusive.

Although the use of feathers has been obfuscated, the symbolism still remains. As the feathers look quite captivating with tons of spikes protruding from them, women have chosen it to be their go-to tattoo as it conveys their femininity.

Mermaid Thigh Tattoo

Mermaid Thigh Tattoo

Mermaids are fairy tale creatures thhalf of the body of a fish and other other parts of a beautiful female. These creatures were known to be oppressed and beaten by the pirates.

Because of such acts upon them, they started to rebel. They would seduce the pirates and take them deep into the water and kill them. Because of their such rebelicious nature, many women chose to get their tattoo as their own form of protest against patriarchy.

Peacock Thigh Tattoo

Peacock Thigh Tattoo

When the peacocks extend their feathers to the fullest, even the earth stops spinning. The scene is so beautiful that millions and millions of poems can be written for its captivating imagery.

Like peacocks, every single woman in the world is beautiful. No matter what their height and shape is, in their own unique way they are the most fantastic looking people. To celebrate women’s beauty, there isn't a better alternative than the peacock thigh tattoo.

Japanese Thigh Tattoo

Japanese Thigh Tattoo

Japanese culture consists mainly of neon lights and cherry blossoms along with cuisine to die for. They have a rich folktale of spiritual entities and dragons that breathed fire that could dismantle cities.

We can understand just how vast the Japanese culture actually is. Because of such vastness, we have the opportunity to experiment with a bunch of different elements in our thigh tattoo. The sky's the limit.

Owl Thigh Tattoo

Owl Thigh Tattoo

Due to being glued for hours on the screen, we tend to forget about our usual sleeping patterns. Nowadays, we stay awake at night and sleep all day like a baby just like the owl.

Due to our resemblance in sleeping patterns, owl thigh tattoos have become immensely popular in recent times. The big hollow eyes with their unique morphology symbolizes the sense of individuality.

Henna Thigh Tattoo

Henna Thigh Tattoo

Henna is like an ointment that is derived from plants. These things are applied in the hair and hand and within moments, unique color starts to form.

The use of henna has become extremely popular especially in the Indian subcontinent. You can make incredible designs and after washing it always the designs start to radiate with a velvety brown color. However, the patterns always stay for 2-3 days. That's why you should get the henna thigh tattoo that will stick with you for years.

Anime Thigh Tattoo

Anime Thigh Tattoo

The word anime has become synonymous with the current internet culture. You won't find anyone who doesn't know the existence of it.

So why is this form of media so popular? Well, because of how well it resonates with the viewer. Each protagonist may have unimaginable strength and psychic prowess. However, their goals and ambitions are highly relatable. When you see them fighting against the horde of enemies, you start to envision yourself in that particular position. The same goes for anime tattoos. It has a magical power of connecting with the wearer.

Geometric Thigh Tattoo

Geometric Thigh Tattoo

Geometric thigh tattoo is another simplistic rendition in our comprehensive list. It's starting to form a pattern. The tattoo industry is slowly stepping away from highly detailed tattoo designs.

The geometric tattoo only comprises geometric shapes as the name suggests. To be honest, these minimalist looking shapes are more than enough to poteau what's going on in your mind. In fact, they convey the emotions in a passionate manner.

Full Thigh Tattoo

Full Thigh Tattoo

This thigh tattoo dips your entire thigh in flamboyant colors and patterns. Your thigh doesnt look like an organ anymore. It starts to appear as a higher life form descended from the outer universe.

This type of tattoo is also perfect to cover up tattoos as the intense colors overpower all the traces of your previous tattoo. The best thing about the tattoo is its motion dynamics. Whenever you move, the tattoo will bounce as well.

Jellyfish Thigh Tattoo

Jellyfish Thigh Tattoo

The jellyfish has a quite unique morphology. These translucent creatures of the deep blue sea have a bunch of hair like follicles branching from their chin head.

They always mind their own business. If you ever had the luxury of diving deep into the ocean, you will see them hovering around solely minding their own business. They teach us a valuable lesson. You shouldnt interfere in other people's lives. Just let them be.

Lower Thigh Tattoo

Lower Thigh Tattoo

Lower thigh tattoos are incredibly sensual. It further adds to your voluptuousness. No man would be able to take their eyes off you. Everyone will be mesmerized by you.

The tattoo is so lovely because it's closer to your curvy legs. A woman's most sensual part is their leg. The lower thigh tattoo accentuates the ambience and bridges the hollow gap between by creating a jarring design.

Moon Thigh Tattoo

Moon Thigh Tattoo

The alluring white object that dangles far from us intrigues us every night. Looking at it creates a mix of emotions that will make you go wild.

The celestial object also symbolizes the transition of our life. You will notice that the moon's shape changes at different periods. Sometimes it glows in its entirety while other times the moon hides some of its portion. Each of these phases resemble the changes of our lives. We all go through a series of ups and downs to get to our ultimate form.

Orchid Thigh Tattoo

Orchid Thigh Tattoo

You won't find orchids growing on the roadside or in your everyday gardens. They are exclusive flowers that have quite a bit of value and require immense care.

Women opt for this tattoo because they want to feel exclusive. Being ordained can feel quite motivating. When you start to feel exclusive, you radiate a positive energy. Your empowering persona will help even other women who are struggling to gain confidence.

Lily flowerTattoo onTigh

Lily Thigh Tattoo

This is another elegant flower tattoo on our list. This will become a recurring theme as flower tattoos are one of the most trending topics on both Instagram and Pinterest.

The lily usually grows in the water. They look like two giant eyes protruding from the surface of the water. Their velvety texture is something to die for. When you get the tattoo on your thigh, the place becomes a heaven where only goodness exists.

Peony Thigh Tattoo

Peony Thigh Tattoo

Peony is not a flower that is commonly heard on the internet. You will always hear about roses or dandelions. But never will you hear about peony. These neglected flowers are quite beautiful and deserve some attention.

The peony flower has a lot of resemblance to the female traits. Just like women, these flowers keep themselves hidden. They don't fully stretch their petals like roses or sunflowers. Instead, they choose to hide themselves. Because of such similarity, women love to get the flower on their thigh.

Vine Thigh Tattoo

Vine Thigh Tattoo

The meaning of vine has changed drastically over the years. The term is now exclusively used for a video sharing platform mainly for comedic purposes.

However, the term has a completely different meaning to people who have a knack for art. Vines are trees that have intertwining stems and leaves. The unique blend of the components creates a jarring design. Tattoo artists all around the world love drawing such patterns on the thigh.


There is a lot of misinformation circulating on the internet regarding the thigh tattoos for women. Believing in them blindly is a fool's act. That's why you should always properly investigate the sources before trusting them. However, we know how arduous it can be. So, we have collected some of the most interesting questions and their concrete answers to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

Q: Do Thigh Tattoos Fade Fast?

Ans: No, they are relatively much more long lasting than other tattoos. As the thigh tattoos remain hidden for most of the time, it doesn’t get much exposure to sun. Therofe, the tattoo keeps on looking fresh and new for a long time.

Q: Can You Sleep On A Thigh Tattoo?

Ans: It's advised not to sleep directly on a thigh tattoo after freshly getting inked as it will put pressure on the surface. This constant pressure can lead to permanent damage to the skins which makes it prone for skin infections. Therefore, you should wait for a few days before sleeping on a thigh tattoo.

Q: Are Thigh Tattoos Visible?

Ans: If you love to rock on shorts or bathing suits then of course your thigh tattoo will be visible at all times. However at times especially for formal occasions, you have to wear formal clothes such as pants. In these situations, your thigh tattoo will remain concealed.


In the media, we constantly ask and argue among ourselves what a world would be like without men. We frequently assert that the world could not run without men. But we never discuss what the world would be like if women didn't exist. In reality, there wouldn't be any living forms without women. They are the ones who give birth after an exhausting nine months of pregnancy. They are the ones who have raised all of the influential and powerful men that we see. Therefore, women should be recognized for their contributions. The thigh tattoo is a pictorial expression of how much the woman has significance. With jarring artworks, women can finally be proud of themselves. They can finally break the shackles of patriarchy.

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