The modern era is full of gadgets and skyscrapers making our life convenient. But there was a time when rituals and traditions were a central part of human life. Individuals would often go to their witches instead of doctors. They believed that there were actual magical deities that could grant them whatever they wanted.
Sounds quite fanatic, doesn’t it? Well, you may feel skeptical at first but the more you dive into the occultism and esoteric symbols, the more of a believer you become. The sigil tattoo is the culmination of such beliefs. It is the representation of a human being's inner emotions and desires in different patterns and symbols.
The tattoos are often etched for spiritual reasons as well. Those of you who are struggling to awaken your inner straight or find the right path may get inspiration from these artworks.
Even if you push aside all the spiritual and occult symbolism, the artwork itself is something that you can’t move your eyes from. It's the abomination of all the fascinating things. So without further ado, let's learn more about them.
Ominous Amulets Or Symbols Of Inspirations? Finding Out The True Meaning Of Sigil Tattoo

Sigil tattoos are an encapsulation of fascinating topics on occult rituals. By imprinting certain symbols like the pentagon or upside cross, you represent evil notions like Lucifer, Baphomet, or other malicious energies.
These artworks can be of good nature as well. Some sigil tattoos can feature archangels or other profound characters in mythology. The illustration of such deities can symbolize good luck, prosperity, or the desire to change your life.
The alignment of esoteric symbols can also be a good way to manifest your struggles and achievements. Using bold lines and patterns, you can tell your own story. The reflection of the tattoo will remind you of your journey and propel you towards further greatness.
Striking Sigil Tattoo Designs To Entertain Your Dark Side

The sigil tattoos are insanely creative. Most of them take inspiration from different pagan or occult rituals. But tattoo artists tend to add their own flair to the symbols. They sometimes tweak the characters or modify the patterns to make them unique.
To make the perfect sigil tattoo, identify the components that interest you. Is it the ominous Lucifer or something holy like the angels of the sky? Figuring out the central theme is important for making a good design.
Then you can add secondary elements like cryptic letters or other symbols. Make sure each of the elements resonates with you. Take a good look at some of our designs for more ideas.
Glow Of Inner Strength: Radiant Cyber Sigil Tattoo

When the occult meets the cyber world, the result is an artistic abomination that will grace your eyes. The biomechanical patterns surround the quintessential sigil of the triangle as if it's protecting something precious.
While the external motifs are monochromatic, the inner sigil seems to radiate neon lights. The riddance reflects that your sigil has started working.
Present, Past, And Future: Intertwining Sigil Tattoo On Hand

Your hand doesn’t offer much space. In the tiny realm, you can only ornament a simple sigil. But this simple decoration may have plenty of magical powers.
The triangle consisting of an inner circle may hint at the present, past, and future. The circle may exemplify how everything in life is interconnected.
Summoning The Evil: Dark Lucifer Sigil Tattoo

Humans have a natural tendency to gravitate towards evil notions. What can be more evil than Lucifer himself? The satanic deity manifests his dark aura in this startling design. The tattoo borrows inspiration from the 20th-century occult rituals and the symbols used in them. It features the pentagon with the head of Lucifer in the middle. It appears as if you are summoning the devil himself.
Belief Of The Good Will: Charming St Michael Sigil Tattoo

The stars have aligned perfectly. Just after the ominous Lucifer tattoo appears the holy St. Michael tattoo. He is one of the most profound warriors and messengers in various religions. It is believed that he went on a battle against satan. So if you want to cleanse your soul and stay away from evil energies, the St. Michael tattoo is perfect for you.
Flying Away To Freedom: Sinister Lilith Sigil Tattoo

The size of the occult symbols doesn’t matter. The main power of it lies in your belief. So if you believe that your Lilith sigil tattoo will manifest your desire then there is a good chance it may. The entire tattoo is in silhouette form making it look quite mysterious. It features multiple pentagon symbols to resemble an actual ritual. The upside-down cross further extends the edginess. The portrayal of the feminine demon can also be a metaphor for freedom in women.
Controlling The Majestic Creatures: Scintillating Targaryen Sigil Tattoo

Are you an avid fan of Game of Thrones? Then this tattoo is a must for you. The Targaryens are one of the strongest houses in the seven kingdoms. The quintessential characteristic of this house is white hair and dragons. The sigil consists of a three-headed red dragon with a dark appearance. Having such a sigil will make you feel like a true hot-blooded Targaryen ready to take over the entire world.
The Manifestation Of Curse: Evil And Dark Sigil Tattoo

This one is quite cursed, to be honest. The sigil feels like it's slowly infesting you with its dark energy. Your veins start to mix with the evil power. It's as if the sigil is completely taking control over you. The symbol is becoming more and more malignant. Do you have what it takes to control the sigil?
Ritual For The Opposed One: Edgy Baphomet Sigil Tattoo

The Baphomet is a goat-headed deity that's long been associated with evil rituals and traditions. In many pagan and occult cultures, these figures are painted within the pentagon to summon evil energies. If such dark and edgy notions interest you then go for this artwork. The terrifying boldness of the Baphomet tattoo will surely give you nightmare fever.
The All-Knowing Eye Protects All: Mysterious Protection Sigil Tattoo

There's a common misconception among many tattoo enthusiasts that sigil tattoos are solely intended for encapsulating evil powers. But the truth is sigil tattoos can be just as holy and have a purpose for attracting good luck. The pentagon symbol with the all-knowing eye in the middle is a pure sigil artwork. The occult symbol may just be your guardian angel protecting you from trouble just like Batman tattoos.
Making Your Dreams Into Reality: Creative Witch Sigil Tattoo

The art of witchcraft may have been gone from the modern world but the faith still lingers. We still wish to achieve our intentions, desires, and purposes with the help of witches. The witch sigil tattoo turns this wild imagination into reality. The iconic witch hat is situated just on top of the sigil to make it resemble a real witch. The symbol may listen to your struggles and sorrows. It can be your inspiration to turn your life around.
True Guardian Angel: Spiritual Archangel Sigil Tattoo

The archangels are honestly quite badass. These deities are 2nd in the rank of order in Christianity. They are the messenger of god and protector of mankind. With their divine wings, they can protect people from harm. Etching an archangel tattoo may manifest some good vibes in your life. With its weapon and sheer strength, the archangel will fight off all the negative energies.
Stare Of Lust: Raw Asmodeus Sigil Tattoo

Asmodeus is the king of all demons. He is the one that is known to disrupt the marriage of Sarah. In Christianity, he is sometimes known to be the devil of lust. We often struggle with notions such as love and lust. Sometimes these intense emotions take control of us. The alluring symbol of Asmodeus may help you healthily regulate these raw feelings.
Nightmare Comes Alive: Silhouette Demon Sigil Tattoo

You can already understand just how eerie this artwork is. The demon sigil tattoo doesn’t go the abstract route. Instead, it features a literal demon in its frightening aura. The two satanic horns produced from the forehead of the demon and the eyes light up even amidst the darkness. The entire picture feels as if the deity is eying you for vengeance.
Cryptic Fate Of Power: Symbolic Enochian Sigil Tattoo

Enochian is a cryptic language that's often associated with occult practices. Many witches often wrote magical chants using this language. It is believed that wiring even the most simple quotes in Enochian may give magical powers to the verses. So you can only imagine just how powerful a circular representation of the language is.
Occult symbols are always cryptic and hard to comprehend. But we have made things easy for you. Read some of our answers to the most burning questions related to sigil tattoos.
Q: Do Sigil Tattoos Have Magical Power In Them?
Ans: It's all about belief. If you believe that your sigil tattoo has occult powers in it to change your destiny, you may truly be able to manifest the life of your dreams.
Q: Are Most Sigil Tattoos Evil?
Ans: Humans have a natural tendency to gravitate toward things that fascinate them. That's why most get sigil tattoos featuring evil connotations But it's absolutely fine if you go for a spiritual or holy one.
The interpretation of the sigil tattoo is a bit confusing. To some, it's an artwork that entertains our curiosity and fascination with occult and esoteric beliefs and rituals.
But at the core of the sigil tattoo lies the belief in making your ambitions and dreams into reality. The alluring symbols can be your way to commemorate your deep desires. The tattoo makes a deep connection with you, forcing you to achieve the things you always desired.