In modern times, we are so disconnected from our ancestral roots that we have literally forgotten about our true identity. Perhaps, this is the sole reason so many people around the world are suffering from an identity crisis.
In such a desperate situation, the family tree tattoos offer to connect you with your loved ones for eternity. They are the ones that define you. Your family members are the only people that love you unconditionally. Everyone else in the world loves you for their own sake.
When you have the family tree tattoo in your body canvas, your physical body may be far from them but your soul will always be attached to their essence. We often feel alone in the hectic pace of the world. With the family tree tattoo, you will constantly be able to imagine that your parents, siblings, grandparents, and relatives even before them are present with you.
You are always blessed by them. So you should never feel insecure. Now that you are enthralled by these enigmatic artworks, let's look at every nitty-gritty about the family tree tattoos.
A Tale Of Togetherness: The Heartwarming Meaning Behind Family Tree Tattoos

Just like the roots of the tree go deep into the soil, the interpretation of these designs is quite deep and extensive. Let's start things off with the most common meaning of the family tree tattoo which is to showcase love and how much your family members mean to you.
The role of our family members in our lives is indescribable. From riding the bicycle to reading our first letter, every defining moment of our life was associated with our family members. Through the roots and trunks of the family tree, you can symbolize how much influence they have in your life.
Another optimistic meaning of the family tree tattoo designs is the longevity of the relationships. Just like the roots keep on penetrating the soil more and more as time goes by, we wish that our relationship with our family members keeps on becoming stronger and stronger.
Also as the fruit grows in the trees, you continue the legacy of your lineage by birthing your child. The family tree tattoos are a festive celebration of togetherness and being connected.
A more spiritual interpretation of the family tree tattoos can be found in the Celtic culture where they are thought to be an amulet of good luck. Some scholars have a more philosophical interpretation thinking that these sophisticated designs dictate how each aspect of the universe is interconnected and everything has an impact on the totality of the world.
Peaceful Family Tree Tattoo Designs To Find Your Identity!

Remembering who you are is essential for your growth. If you don’t know anything about your ancestral connections then you will be like a tumbleweed that is blowing in the wind without knowing where its destination is.
It's astonishing to see how with a natural motif you can symbolize one of the strongest bonds of the universe. These designs mostly feature the family tree in stylish and unique manners catering to the preference of the wearer.
If there are particular persons that you think have more impact on your life then you can emphasize them in your tattoo designs. You can either mention their names in beautiful ribbons or just include them metaphorically with a root node.
To make you feel that they are still alive within you and they are working as your guardian angel, you can illustrate their silhouettes wandering or residing just beside the tree. There are countless ways you can stylize the design. To open your creative mind, we have some special family tree tattoo designs that we are sure you will love.
Ribbons Of Love: Ultra Realistic Family Tree Tattoo On Sleeve

The sleeve is the perfect place to showcase your ancestral lineage with a touch of flamboyance. The symmetry of the sleeve matches quite well with the dimension of the family tree making it an adequate spot for manifestation.
The tattoo blooms the hardest when you etch it in the sleeve. The art piece takes quite some space exemplifying how much you love your family and aren’t afraid to showcase your heritage to the world.
The artwork is incredibly realistic with the leaves and trunks illustrated with extensive shading and highlighting. Each of the names of the family members is painted in stylish ribbon further accentuating the ambiance.
Fun Fact: Did you know that family trees have been used even hundreds and thousands of years ago? Kings of Asia and Africa made family trees to keep track of their descendants and ancestors.
Silhouettes Of Positivity: Monochromatic Family Tree Tattoo On Forearm

The forearm may not be as spacious as the sleeve but it also has the same symmetry where you can easily illustrate a vertical family tree tattoo.
Rather than etching the name of the family members, the tattoo attempts to imprint silhouettes of each holding hands with the other. The entirety of the tattoo is full of monochromatic magnificence making the artwork look as if you are all connected and the bond can never be broken.
Individuals Who Shape Our Life: Shaded Family Tree Tattoo With Names

There is always one particular member in our family that always has our back. No matter what you do, they always support you. You love them more than anything else.
Such a beloved individual in our life deserves a separate mention in the family tree tattoo. So after illustrating the intricate tree, you can ink the name of the family member to honor them. When they see your tattoo, their joys will know no bounds.
Exuberance Of Lineage: Flamboyant Family Tree Tattoo On Back

The gigantic area of your back offers to portray a deep and flamboyant version of the family tree. Upon looking at the design, you won’t believe it's a mere tattoo. The tree is so realistic that it feels like it’s standing on a barren land spreading its magnificence.
The amount of textures that went into this tattoo is unreal. Each of the nodes, trunks, and roots is extensively inked to create a realistic vibe. Furthermore, there is a glimpse of a red hue exuding from underneath giving the tattoo even more finesse.
Roots of Unity: Textured Family Tree Tattoo On Arm

Similar to the sleeve tattoos, the manifestation of the family tree in the arm showcases just how much your family means to you.
The elongated area of the arm allows you to ink many roots depicting countless family members who are either still alive or passed away. Visualizing the tattoo will compel you to inherit their traits and virtues and apply them to your own life.
Intertwinement Of Elegance: Symbolic Celtic Family Tree Tattoo

The Celtic culture was enthralled with intricate patterns that are intertwined with each other. The family tree tattoo is no different. It follows the typical norm by creating interlocking shapes both in the branches and roots.
This intertwinement shows how we all are connected. Even though your ancestors have left the mortal realm, they have left their essence within you. Through you, their legacy remains alive.
A Natural Jewelry: Small Yet Ornamental Family Tree Tattoo

Whenever we are on the topic of small tattoos, most individuals instantly think that we are talking about a tattoo with bare minimum textures and details.
That’s not the case. Even with a small tattoo, you have the opportunity to showcase your creativity. The small family tattoo breaks all the conventional trends and ornaments the area with brilliant natural jewelry in dark hues that symbolize the relationship of the family members.
Horizon Of Radiance: Whimsical Watercolor Family Tree Tattoo

The radiant representation of the family tree deviates from the contemporary paths of the family tree. Most of the designs you will notice in the list are made of monochromatic color schemes.
But this one is different. There is a horizon of vibrant color on the background of the tattoo. The overall focal point of the artwork is you rather than the family tree. It depicts how you stem from them with a tattoo of you swinging from the tree.
Peek Of The Guardian Angels: Spiritual Family Tree Tattoo On Chest

We pretty much learn everything about life from our family. Therefore, we are forever grateful to them. This gratefulness is boldly manifested in the chest tattoo.
The tattoo tries to make the symbolism a bit more apparent by inking the shadows of the family members wandering around the thick family tree. Their wandering soul exemplifies how they are still with you and watching you from a distance.
A Place In Our Hearts: Combined Anatomical Heart Family Tree Tattoo

The biological heart is the most important organ of our body. Without it beating, we will succumb to the clutches of death in no time. Do you know what else we can’t live without? Yes, you guessed it right. It's our family.
Combining the anatomical heart with the family tree depicts just how close to your heart they belong. While the tattoo may not be colorful, there is a subtle hint of radiance exuding from the monochrome.
Token Of Unconditional Love: Black And White Family Tree Yin Yang Tattoo

The yin yang is an ancient concept birthed by the scholars of the Chinese dynasty that hints at the polar opposite notions of life. If you think about it, your family members are present when you are born and they will be there when you meet your death.
As they will be there in each of the opposite notions of your life, the symbol of duality is perfect to be equipped with the representation of the family tree. An intriguing aspect of the tattoo is how the equally measuring symbol of black and white is blended with the family tree to create a celestial ambiance.
Glimpse Of The Moon: Ambient Family Tree Tattoo On Leg

The twisted path of the family tree manifests in the divine realm of the leg symbolizing just how passionate you are about your family. The tattoo is utterly mysterious as it plays with your perspective by making the roots feel larger than the upper portion.
There is a glimpse of white leaves emerging amidst the blackness which gives the overall tattoo a beautiful ambience. A silhouette of an individual is seen standing right beside the tree who can be interpreted as yourself looking at your ancestral lineage.
A Celestial Magnificence: Shimmering Family Tree And Moon Tattoo

The celestial appearance of the moon brightens even the most boring of artworks. When the motif illuminates the background of the family tree, it sheds light on how strong the bond you have with your family.
Aside from the flamboyance of the moon, each of the family members is illustrated holding each other's hand creating an auspicious symbol of power and love.
Bond That Never Breaks: Stylish Family Tree Matching Tattoo

When two people have the same family tree tattoo, nothing comes between them. No matter how far they stay away from each other, the love between them keeps on igniting.
The matching family tree tattoo can be tough to pull off on two separate canvases especially as the artwork is quite intricate. You need to match every aspect of the tattoo otherwise what's the point? But after the tattoos are done, you will feel that you have grown much closer to that person.
Direction Towards Glory: Fine Line Family Tree Tattoo On Hand

The family tree tattoo doesn't only symbolize the pedigree of the wearer but also represents the past, present, and future of that person. The hand tattoo in the discussion hints at how your previous relationships helped you become the person you are going to be in the future.
We learn all the values of life from our family. With the family tree tattoo, you will constantly be reminded of the things that your ancestors laid upon you. This way, you won’t be able to deviate from the path of glory.
Persisting Through Hardship: Dried Out Family Tree Tattoo On Thigh

There are some thick muscles in the area of your thigh which already has quite a flamboyance to it. Therefore, you don’t need to illustrate the family tree using dark or bold hues to make a statement.
Instead, let the skin of your thigh do all the work. All you need to do is create a general outline of the family tree just in the middle of the thigh and the velvety color of the skin will automatically fill up the negative portions. The theatricality of the thigh tattoo will blow your mind.
Confining The Heritage: Geometric Family Tree Tattoo With Symmetrical Shapes

If you start to make a diagram of all your ancestral lineage then it will take more than your body to include all of them. It doesn't even make much sense. There are only a handful of people in our family either alive or deceased that actually had an impact on our life.
Through the geometric shapes, you can confine or limit the family tree to a certain extent. Then, your artwork will only include those members that truly matter to you excluding the ones that are far too distant.
Please don’t describe the following subheadings
Vessel Of Souls: Natural Family Tree And Birds Tattoo

Repenting The Sin: Divine Family Tree Cover-Up Tattoo

A Bold Metaphor: Dark Family Tree Blackwork Tattoo

Bloom Of Radiance: Colorful Family Tree And Rainbow Tattoo

Release Of The Clouds: Scenic Family Tree Tattoo With Realistic Details

Reaching The Dreams: Intricate Family Tree Dreamcatcher Tattoo

While the aesthetics and symbolism of the family tree tattoos are quite straightforward, it's easy to get completely lost in the multiple extended roots.
To illuminate the many unknown territories of the family tree tattoos, we have decided to answer some fabulous questions of yours with our years of expertise. If more questions are clouding your mind, feel free to shoot us a comment.
Q: Why Are Most Family Tree Tattoos In Monochrome?
Ans: The main gimmick of the family tree tattoos is placing the family members in the root nodes of the trees. As we can see in nature, the tree parts that are underneath the surface are in brown or dark colors. That’s why, these designs are mostly portrayed in monochrome following the natural pattern.
Q: Are There Any Meanings Of The Family Tree Tattoos Other Than Ones Associating With Family?
Ans: Just with the name, we can guess what the family tree tattoos mainly commemorate. However, there are some other less-talked-about meanings as well.
These charming designs are often illustrated to showcase the growth of the wearer. Just as the trees withstand harsh weather, the tattoos are also viewed as an emblem of endurance and longevity. The wearer gets the tattoo thinking that they will also be able to hold up against all the obstacles of life.
Q: Do Family Tree Tattoos Hurt?
Ans: Yes, they can hurt depending on how much texture you want to incorporate. Generally, these artworks are quite sophisticated involving countless roots covering a large area. Some of them even have a magnificent background. Etching them will definitely put some toll on your skin.
Those who are with their family don’t realize just how lucky they are. As long as you are with your family, you have nothing to worry about. When you face a problem, your family members will instantly help you solve it in a jiffy.
But there will be a time when you have to leave your family behind either for your career or for some other reason. This is the moment when you are truly alone in the world. At this time, the family tree tattoo can be your companion.
Everytime you look at the artwork, you will see the reflection of your family members appearing in your body. Their existence will fuel your spirit and you will have enough energy and motivation to achieve everything you wished for.