For a long time, the most common consensus in the tattoo industry was the bigger the better. Incorporating intricate patterns with bold colors was a sign of a potent artist. Tattoo enthusiasts all around the world were competing with each other to go to extreme lengths to get the most sophisticated tattoos possible.
However, times have changed. People have finally understood the true meaning of tattoos. You shouldn’t scarify your body just for the sake of appearance. There's much more to it. A tattoo’s main purpose is to convey the individual's emotions, behaviors in an artistic manner. It's done to say the words that can’t be uttered from the mouth.
That’s why the ankle tattoo has become so popular for women. For centuries, women were being oppressed. Most people thought of them as objects that are used for sexual purposes. The ankle tattoo becomes their amulet of hope and power.
They can finally express themselves that they are not to be viewed in a derogatory manner. They deserve respect as much as the men.
Do Ankle Tattoos Hurt? Answering The Age Old Question With Science
You may be thinking that ankle tattoos don’t cause much pain as they cover a small amount of area. Well, you are quite wrong. The space may be minuscule but the pain can be quite excruciating.
As the ankle is directly on top of the bone, inking in the skin impacts the inner cartilage. Therefore, it causes immense pain. There are adequate amounts of nerve endings as well which contributes to the pain.
While researching on this topic, we have found that most tattoo wearers compare the pain of ankle tattoo to the rib tattoo. So, you can obviously understand the magnitude. We recommend you develop resilience before going to the tattoo shop.
Inspiring Ankle Tattoo Designs To Celebrate For All Ages
Women’s ankles are often neglected however they contribute tremendously to elegance. Without the ankle, the whole feet of yours won’t have any dimension. It would’ve looked completely bland. To further enhance tha imagery of the ankle to the next level, a jarring tattoo design is definitely mandatory.
With the tattoo, everyone will gaze at your ankle at first. The intricate patterns along with the subtle use of colors will compel them to dive into a spiritual world.
There are a plethora of ankle tattoos available for women. Most of them have elegant designs that complement the sensuality of the women's body. There are also others that convey a much more deeper message such as the oppression of women. Today, we are going to look at each one of them to find the best ankle tattoo design only for you.

Floral ankle tattoos are the safest option as you can never go wrong with them. These tattoos always create a jarring ambience that is so soothing to witness.
Each flower has its own distinct morphology. Some are twisted while others are more relaxed. There are flowers with elongated petals while some have combined petals that seem integrated with the black core. You have to select the one that conveys your emotion and personality the most.
Rather than choosing a particular flower, it's recommended to incorporate a wide range of colorful flowers in the tattoo. Your ankle will appear as a bouquet which brings happiness and good luck.
Butterfly Ankle Tattoo

These majestic creatures feel like they belong to a fairy tale. With their two large wings compared to their whole body, butterflies bring magic into our mundane world.
Each species of butterfly has its own lines and swirls, especially in the wings. The rest of the body is quite similar in all types of butterflies. Therefore, you should always emphasize on the wings to make it as artistic as possible.
Although most butterflies are found in jarring colors, nothing beats the black and white depiction of the creature. These monochromatic rendition speaks to you on a very personal level which can be found for the colorful counterpart.
Wrap Around Ankle Tattoo

This one is definitely going to give you a trippy experience. The alluring patterns can take you into a psychedelic world where there are multiple dimensions intertwining with each other.
These tattoos are quite symmetric therefore you need a pair of steady hands to ink with perfection. The patterns range from floral to mandala patterns.
There are some who claim that the tattoo is too intricate to etch on the ankle. Well, there is no jurisdiction in the tattoo realm. If the intricate patterns portray your deepest and darkest secrets then ink away.
Small Ankle Tattoo

This is perhaps the perfect tattoo for the ankle. As it is already described, there isn't an ample amount of space in the ankle. Therefore, you shouldn't even bother to get a large tattoo.
Some of you may be heartbroken by this but hear us out. You can easily depict your inner messages through small patterns. Most flamboyant tattoos often end up looking messy and overdone.
Your small ankle tattoo will leave enough room to create a scenic ambience. It will feel like a tiny object is hovering around in the giant barren land.
Bracelet Ankle Tattoo

Bracelets are an accessory that has seen a surge of popularity over the years because of their simplistic nature. They don't scream for attention nor require any extra exaggeration. They just elegantly complement any of the styles you are opting for.
The same goes for the bracelet ankle tattoo. Rather than being an accessory, this tattoo stays with you for a long time giving you strength. Many celebrities have opted for the tattoo because they believe it grants them confidence.
Although colors are always appreciated, nothing beats the monochromatic color scheme. With the black bracelet tattoo, you will look like the fierce tribal leader leading your men to victory.
Rose Ankle Tattoo

This is another tattoo on our list that doesn't need any sort of exaggeration. Just the imagery of the flower is enough to decorate your ankle and turn into a festive amulet.
We always talk about the appearance of the rose ankle tattoo while neglecting the meaning behind them. The rose tattoo depicts the duality of men. On one side, the jarring petals depict the good side of human beings.
On the other hand, the spiky thorns convey the malicious nature of mankind. The tattoo will always keep on reminding you to stay aware as you never know which one you have to deal with.
Cover Up Ankle Tattoo

For most people, the ankle tattoo is the first tattoo of their life. They embark on the world of tattoos with tattoos. Therefore, it's quite apparent that they will run into issues while getting the tattoo illustrated.
These issues ultimately create a mediocre or hideous looking tattoo that can deteriorate your mental state. You may think that there is no way to alter this.
Actually, there is. You can get a coverup tattoo on the ankle to hide your previous tattoo. You should always choose a design with bold and black colors so that there are no traces left.
Inner Ankle Tattoo

This is a preferable tattoo for many for the relatively painless experience. Ankle tattoos can hurt like hell. With each time the stencils create a poke in your skin, your soul will start to leave your body.
However, that is not the case for the inner ankle tattoo. As it is far away from the bone and cartilage, you will not feel much pain. Therefore, you will have a pleasant experience and get a beautiful tattoo design in the same place. So, what are you waiting for?
Tiny Ankle Tattoo

This is another tattoo rendition that is adequate for the ankle. It is a hassle free experience that doesn't require you to sit for hours on end. The tattoo will get completed within a breeze.
As the size is small, only you will know that the tattoo exists. This is fine as long as you have the mentality for it. The tattoo will only whisper to you and listen to your woes and joys all day long. It will become your best friend.
Cross Ankle Tattoo

If you are a firm believer of christianity then there isn't a better tattoo than this one. The simple cross sign portrays your dedication and passion for your religion.
We all know how Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for our sins. He was crucified and underwent excruciating pain for the sake of mankind. The cross represents the entire event that took place that day.
As the symbol is quite a symbol, it's best to incorporate some intricate patterns beside it to enhance the imagery. You should refrain yourself from using too many colors as it blows away the purpose of the tattoo.
Sunflower Ankle Tattoo

Sunflower tattoos are quite raw and they tend to overpower everything. Your entire ankle will stay hidden behind the vibrant aesthetics of the tattoo.
Although you may opt for just the flower, the whole tattoo will look quite bland without the leaves. A depiction of the flower seems artificial. Combined with the green leaves, the entire tattoo will appear as a tribute to the gifts of mother nature.
Back Of Ankle Tattoo

The back side of the ankle is often concealed therefore most people won't be able to see the tattoo. So you may be scratching your head thinking what is the purpose of such a tattoo.
Well, you as the wearer of the tattoo will know of its existence. It doesn't matter if any other people can view it or not. It's you that matters the most. The tattoo will work as an intimate amulet of yours that will whisper to you about the good sides of life so that you can keep on going despite the hardships.
Snake Ankle Tattoo

While some people consider this species to be a terrifying nightmare, others find it to be one of the most fascinating animals on the earth. Whatever you choose to call it, you have to admit that these reptile friends of ours are extremely bizarre.
You won’t find a single organism that resembles quite like the snake. From the venomous fangs to the wagging tail of theirs, the snakes are unique in all departments. That’s why the tattoo of theirs is considered to be an emblem of spirituality.
Wings On Ankle Tattoo

Who doesn't want a guardian that watches over them at all times? A guardian that will protect them from all of their enemies. We only dream about such an entity but they never come true.
With the wings on the ankle tattoo, you can become your own guardian. The two angelic wings with deep textures will make you feel like a superior lifeform that has descended from the heavens.
Mandala Ankle Tattoo

The mandala is a unique artstyle that is not for everyone. If you consider yourself to be an ardent art fan, this tattoo may be for you.
The maze-like textures are always impressive to look at, however they can be quite confusing if you don’t have a slide foundation. It's easy to mess up a mandala ankle tattoo. That's why, you should get an outline of patterns before you start the inking process.
Dragon Ankle Tattoo

There used to be a time when there was a creature who was so feared that parents taught their kids to utter its name. With its giant wings, it could erupt a hurricane. The razor sharp teeth can chew even metal. The creature is none other than the dragon.
Ever since childhood, we have had a deep fascination for them. It only intensified after seeing the modern day depictions of it in the movies and anime. The tattoo is another artistic depiction of the menacing creature.
Barbed Wire Ankle Tattoo

During wars, barbed wire is extensively used to keep enemies from entering certain regions. You may be thinking that the barbed wire ankle tattoo then glorifies the concept of war.
Well, it's actually the opposite. The tattoo is a clear indication of the horrors each war brings. It depicts that there are no winners and losers in such a quarrel. If you consider yourself to be an advocate of such belief then you should get this tattoo.
Wave Ankle Tattoo

It is known that waves don’t have any memory. That’s why, each year millions of people go to the ocean and take a dive in the waves to cleanse themselves.
The wave ankle tattoo is not but a simple shape consisting of multiple curl like shapes. But the symbolism is that these tattoos are out of the roof. Most people opt for this tattoo to portray their spirituality with the blue hues and sudden splashes of white.
Simple Ankle Tattoo

Why opt for a tattoo which can take an entire day to etch on your body canvas? A large tattoo with grandiose textures and bold colors is considered a nuisance by contemporary artists.
Instead, they prefer minimalistic tattoos that take less time. The best thing about the tattoo is that you can convey the same amount of messages as the large flamboyant tattoos with the simple tattoos. So what are you waiting for? Get this tattoo right away.
Heart Ankle Tattoo

The actual morphology of the human heart is quite sophisticated. Although the modern depiction of the organ only comprises a couple of shapes, the natural heart is composed of many compartments.
We won’t bore you with the jargons. The main function of the heart is to purify the blood. Because of its role in the body, heart tattoos have been considered to be a symbol of purity. If you want to live a life helping others and maintaining innocence then this is the design for you.
Rosary Ankle Tattoo

Believing in something that you have never seen in reality is quite something. Your soul has to be immensely pure and innocent to have such faith.
The rosary ankle tattoo celebrates your faith in your religion in an artistic manner. Traditionally, these objects were used to count the prayers. But gradually, it has become an emblem for showcasing passion towards one's religion.
Star Ankle Tattoo

The polygonal wonder that we often see shining bright in the ominous sky is often misinterpreted. Some people claim that they have zero significance in the universe.
This is quite false. With the stars,the orbitals would start to crumble. Even the planets won't be able to align themselves perfectly without the celestial beings. These tiny objects work as the navigator of the galaxy. This is why women opt for this tattoo to show them guidance. The several points of the tattoo indicate the paths each individual can take.
Palm Tree Ankle Tattoo

Life can get immensely boring. In such a monotonous life, we need to incorporate a bit of excitement. So why not do that by getting a palm tree ankle tattoo?
The tattoo is just a straight up image of the palm tree that is often seen on the beaches. So what's the significance of the tattoo? Well, the palm trees have been heavily associated with the nightlife of Miami where people party and have a good time. With the tattoo, you will also sense a sort of energy exuding from you that will cheer you up at any point of the day.
Feather Ankle Tattoo

Back in the day, feathers were extensively used by the higher ups of the society as a symbol of power and wealth. Most of them wore headdresses and clothes made by the feathers.
Although the use has decreased, the significance of feathers still remains. When you get the tattoo, you will start to feel exclusive. The black and white colors will bring a new sense of confidence in you that will help you conquer the entire world.
Anchor Ankle Tattoo

During the heavy rainfall and thunderstorm, voyagers in the sea can easily get lost. Without no way to escape, they can only head for their death. But there is a single object that can prevent them from meeting an unfortunate fate. That is the anchor.
An anchor stabilizes the boat. It goes down to the soil of the ocean and adheres to it. Therefore no matter how rough the sea gets, the ship will not go uncontrolled. That's why most women prefer this tattoo as it is believed to stabilize their own erratic life. The tattoo can work as a stark reminder to be the best version of themselves.
Dolphin Ankle Tattoo

Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures. They may look innocent with their nonchalant appearance. However inside their mind, they have thoughts just like human beings.
Because of their impressive cognitive ability, they are often viewed as a symbol of intelligence. Many believe that getting the dolphin tattoo will expand their brain and widen their gaze. They will be able to decipher the hidden secrets of the universe from the power exuded by the tattoo.
Bird Ankle Tattoo

Birds have always been a symbol of peace and prosperity. When you look at them gently flying in the distance, our souls start to get soothed. We begin to forget about our hectic lifestyle and enjoy life for a moment.
If you are also someone who is struggling in life and constantly feels burdened then the bird ankle tattoo can be an escape for you. Everytime you look at the tattoo, you will feel peace in this chaotic world.
Henna Ankle Tattoo

During religious festivals especially in the middle eastern and asian countries, women use henna to color their hand and hair. This is mainly done to decorate themselves to look even more beautiful.
The henna doesn't stick for a long time. If you are lucky, the artwork will keep intact for a couple of days before vanishing away. To keep the same vibrant artwork for years, you can opt for the henna ankle tattoo. No matter how much heavy duty work you do, it won’t fade away.
Cherry Blossom Ankle Tattoo

Those of you who had the privilege of witnessing the moment of cherry blossom know just how precious the moment is. No amount of money or property is equal to a moment such as that.
It feels like the entire tree has been ignited with purple fire and the reign of the fire is slowly spreading to other regions. The velvety colors along with such minimalistic textures create a phenomena that is hard to describe in words. You just have to witness it to fully appreciate its significance.
Dragonfly Ankle Tattoo

While looking at the dragonfly, the creature looks as if it doesn't belong to this dull and monotonous world. It belongs to a celestial and spiritual realm because of its tapestry of colors and textures.
Insects have always been a staple in the tattoo industry. Those of you who love art but are a bit hesitant to show off to the whole world can opt for this tattoo. The tattoo is extremely flamboyant with realistic looking components which is illustrated meticulously. At the same time, the size of the dragonfly is so small that only you will know about its existence.
Elephant Ankle Tattoo

There is nothing more adorable than a baby elephant. At the initial stage, they always adhere to their mother like glue. They try to be a bit naughty and run away from the herd. When the mother elephant figures it out, it scolds the baby in its own cute way.
The entire imagery brings a smile to our faces. Drawing a baby elephant is also quite hasslefree. You don't have to incorporate any of the sophisticated textures. All you need to do is capture the innocence of the elephant using features that are common in a baby.
Geometric Ankle Tattoo

The geometric ankle tattoo is another abstract design on our list. This tattoo can be interpreted as a mirror. An individual will only see what they want to see on the tattoo. It's like the magic mirror from Harry Potter.
The design itself is quite simple. It comprises elegant geometric shapes and minimal amount of colors to depict an imagery. Although most of the time, you will have a hard time figuring out what the tattoo conceys, the overall aesthetic artwork will soothe your soul.
Hummingbird Ankle Tattoo

Hummingbird is the smallest avian species to exist in the world as of today. Therefore, it's quite suitable to portray the bird in the small region of the ankle.
The morphology of the bird is quite generic. However, the eyes look just like the humans. When you look at the eyes of the hummingbird, you will feel like it is thinking inside that little brain of theirs. Therefore, you should always put extra emphasis while drawing the mesmerizing pair of eyes. A gentle flower in the background can create a scenic imagery which looks fantastic on the ankle.
Tribal Ankle Tattoo

Tribal ankle tattoos consist of blackworks which is a unique artstyle primarily used to depict ancient imagery. Rather than leaving negative spaces, this type of artstyle fills the spaces with a deep ink with high saturation.
Because of this, the entire ambience of the tattoo becomes traditional. The artworks are mostly abstract consisting of random symbols and signs blended together. You can interpret whatever you want. The sky's the limit.
Lotus Ankle Tattoo

If you hop into Instagram or Pinterest to search for the most famous ankle tattoo designs, you will most likely stumble onto the lotus ankle tattoo. These elegant flowers are one of the most trendiest designs opted by millions.
The structure of the flower is quite different from the traditional ones. The petals are much more stretched out conveying the message of expressing oneself. Women prefer the tattoo so much because it depicts their desire to express their opinions in this one sided world.
Infinity Ankle Tattoo

Although there isn't a way still invented to estimate the size of infinity, it has been depicted as a simple sign in the modern era. According to scholars, the creation of the universe was created from a simple atom.
Therefore, it can be said that the hidden secret of the infinity lies in the simplicity of nature. With the infinity tattoo, you will be able to encapsulate the entire universe within your ankle. How wonderful is that!
Koi Fish Ankle Tattoo

Koi fish are elegant creatures that are often seen swimming in the ponds of japanese and chinese temples and monuments. These finned creatures are believed to be the guardians of the temple.
Most people get the koi fish ankle tattoo Because they also believe that the tattoo will safeguard them from all sorts of evil entities. Although the fish is seen as orange in nature, it's recommended to depict it in a monochromatic color scheme to enhance the artistic vibe.
Lily Ankle Tattoo

The lily is quite a unique flower in quite a few aspects. First of all, the flower doesn't have a hollow core unlike many of the flowers. Moreover, the petals have colorful textures starting from the inner side to the edge.
The intricacies of the flower has made the tattoo quite sought after in the industry. There are a wide range of varieties available. Each of them have their own unique textures and colors. You should choose the one that resembles your personality the most.
Octopus Ankle Tattoo

Imagine yourself swimming in the deep blue sea without any worry of the world. Suddenly, a giant octopus appears in front of you with its tentacles trying to grab you. How would you feel?
Octopuses are undoubtedly one of the most bizarre looking creatures to exist on the planet. It takes a couple of minutes just to comprehend what exactly is going on in their body.
The octopus tattoo in the ankle is quite interesting as it feels like the creature is slowly creeping its way up to your feet. You should paint the tattoo in a color similar to your skin so that it blends with it.
Phoenix Ankle Tattoo

The concept of phoenix is quite well known at this point. But the association of this majestic creature with females is not well documented. So, let's dive into it.
Women in the modern city may have some freedom. However, back in the day, their beliefs and voices were killed each day gradually. The phoenix tattoo worked as an inspiration for them to rise above. Visualizing the tattoo, they gathered the courage to be reborn again.
Vine Ankle Tattoo

The modern generation may only think of the word “vine” as the immensely popular video sharing platform in the 2010s. But for the artist people, the meaning of vine is completely different.
The vine is any sort of plant that has intertwining stems. The leaves of each stem blend with each other creating a unique design. These patterns are quite popular in the tattoo industry. The simplistic nature of the tattoo depicts the desire to to live a simple life. We don’t always need a lot of wealth or properties. All we need is a life without any chaos.
Guy Ankle Tattoo

The guy ankle tattoo is a mixture of multiple components that shouldn't work too well but works tremendously. Each of the components of the tattoo represents a different aspect of life.
Usually, this tattoo features a rose, an anchor and a compass. The rose depicts the duality of mankind whereas the anchor symbolizes stability. On the other hand, the compass commerotes the sense of direction in an individual's life. Combining all these aspects together creates a behemoth of a tattoo.
Although this has been said a million times, the internet is a scary place. You may be a keen soul looking for some information about ankle tattoos for women but you will be greeted with malicious ads and sites. They may seem harmless at first but they can hijack your personal information. Therefore, we have taken the liberty to provide you with the answers to some of the most burning questions on the internet so that you don’t have to stumble elsewhere.
Q: What Part Of The Ankle Is Best For Ankle Tattoos For Women?
Ans: Ankle tattoos can be quite painful because of being close to the bone. That’s why many women are scared of getting tattoos. Although it will still hurt, there are fewer nerve endings in the inner ankle. So, it will hurt comparatively less than the outer portion of the ankle. Furthermore, the inner tattoo is an intimate choice that will resonate with you on a personal level.
Q: Are Ankle Tattoos For Women Classy?
Ans: They are one of the most classy tattoos trending on the internet right now. They may be small in appearance but ankle tattoos sure pack a punch. WIth beautiful artworks, they enhance the dimension of the ankle. Your entire style will improve drastically upon getting the ankle tattoo.
Q: Why Beginners Get An Ankle Tattoo For Women?
Ans: Most new dwellers of the tattoo realms are hesitant at first. This is mainly due to their insecurity of their own body. It takes time to gain confidence. A large tattoo may only add to their diffidence. On the other hand, an ankle tattoo attunes the wearer to the idea of the pain while remaining discreet. That’s why novices choose this tattoo so much.
Despite the claims of many that this century is the century of women's emancipation, the circumstances hardly seem to have changed. Women face severe stereotypes and have fewer privileges than men. The status quo will persist as long as people consider women to be the weaker gender. Women can use ankle tattoos as a form of protest to counteract societal bigotry. The artworks communicate that women and men are equal and should be treated equally by society. Who knows? Maybe the world will become a happy, egalitarian place where men and women coexist peacefully and without conflict because of the ankle tattoo.