The human brain can be incredibly mysterious. It gravitates towards things that it doesn't fully comprehend. That's why when we hear a strange noise coming from underneath the bed, we tend to look at it. It's the same reason why we get excited at the sight of UFOs.
Our brain is hardwired to get attracted to strange and unexplainable things. What can be more strange than an alien tattoo? Because of this mysterious curiosity, millions of people all around the world are going into a frenzy to get alien tattoos illustrated.
The tattoos are surely bizarre and that's the beauty of it. You can’t truly make out the meaning of it. This makes it so interesting to look at. The alien tattoos provoke the search for the enigma around you. It compels you to explore the unknown. So are you hooked? Then let's get to the bottom of the alien tattoos to know all about them.
Questioning The Unknown: The Ominous Meaning Of Alien Tattoos

Scientists have been studying the phenomenon of the brain getting hooked on mysterious things. They are still searching for the answer. This intrigue for the unknown is the true meaning of the alien tattoos. The bizarre designs don’t make much sense but they still convey a series of emotions.
Another gut-wrenching meaning is the notion of being different. Many of us feel like we are secluded from society. The alien tattoo can be a way to suppress those hidden thoughts and views.
Finally, alien tattoos allow you to become adventurous. The artwork excites you to debunk conspiracy theories to get to the bottom of the million-year-old secrets. It makes you question whether aliens exist or not. Such interesting questions make us feel alive.
Artistic Alien Tattoo Designs That You Keep Staring At!

Everybody has their version of what an alien looks like. For some, they are tentacled creatures with big arms and legs. Others think that they look humanoid but with green flesh. You have to decide which one you should illustrate in your tattoo.
The crux is you need to make the tattoo as ominous as possible. The atmosphere of these artworks is everything. With a dark and sinister background, even the most dull portrayal of aliens will look phenomenal.
You can also include some realistic elements in the tattoo. Motifs like flowers and leaves create a unique juxtaposition that makes you wonder what's truly real in this universe.
Summoning the Unknown: Subtle Small Alien Tattoo

We often wonder about behemoth-sized outer creatures but do we ever wonder what would happen if the aliens were tiny? They would be even more dangerous.
With their small shape, they can get anywhere without being noticed. This small tattoo brings this thought into reality. The tiny alien is coming out of the spaceship to wreak havoc in the world in this marvelous design.
A Nightmarish Entity: Terrifying Alien Movie Tattoo

People all around the world still get nightmares from the Alien movies. The terrifying tension and the atmosphere get to you. The horrifying alien with its grotesque structure creeps you out.
When you get the alien movie tattoo, you will come across as an avid fan of the movie. You may even be able to overcome your fears by illustrating the hellish creature just like the astronaut tattoos.
Burst Of Radiance: Traditional Alien Tattoo With A Twist

Most aliens depicted in the media are usually in black and white color. Don’t you think it's a bit bland? Why not ornament these celestial creatures a bit?
The traditional alien tattoos pour radiant colors into the extra-terrestrial entities. With elements like flowers and leaves, the artwork becomes a blend of surrealism and horror.
Grooving With Style: Fierce Alien Spaceship Tattoo

Aliens travel to our world using spaceships. While there have been many types of spaceships depicted in the media, the most fascinating one is the circular spaceship.
The spaceship carrying the alien rushing towards the earth can be a terrifying sight. But when illustrated in a tattoo with a celestial background can surely excite you.
Morbid Curiosity: Shaded Alien Skull Tattoo

Do aliens have skulls like ours? Does their inner structure consist of skeletons? The Alien skull tattoo answers the age-old question with wondrous shading.
Unlike bleached-colored humans, the alien skull is illustrated with hyperrealism. The incredible attention to detail along with the occasional highlighting makes a morbid masterpiece.
Look Of Wonder: Cute And Cuddly Alien Tattoo

Aliens are often depicted as strange and grotesque creatures. But don’t you think they should be illustrated as cute entities as well? If so then this tattoo grants your wish.
The two big eyes of this cute alien portrayal will melt your heart. The subtle coloring and the inclusion of natural motifs further amplify the cuteness.
The Ultimate Crossover: Monochromatic Alien Predator Tattoo

Fans went into a frenzy when they heard that there was going to be a crossover between alien and predator. Moviegoers lined up to purchase the tickets. Even after many years, the craze remains.
The alien predator tattoo features the creepy alien from the movie slowly crawling its way out of the darkness. This monochromatic design may trick you into thinking it's real.
Blend Of Style And Horror: Surreal Black Alien Tattoo

While some modern depictions of aliens are in vibrant colors, nothing brings the old-school black hues. There is a sense of tension and suspense when the aliens are in black.
These creatures also tend to look incredibly stylish when they are immersed in darkness. So if you want a blend of horror and finesse, this one is a must for you.
Showcase Of Attitude: Stylish Alien Smoking Tattoo

Struggling to find a badass portrayal of an alien? We got you covered. This representation of the alien smoking a cigarette will make you look incredible.
From the stylish stance to the smoke evaporating in the air, the artwork is a testament to your attitude. Everyone will keep on rolling their eyes when they see your tattoo.
Making The Conspiracies Come True: Raiding Alien UFO Tattoo

Whenever we see a beaming object in the sky, we get excited thinking it's a UFO. We often even have conspiracy theories on how UFOs are real. However, scientists have disapproved of these theories.
But you still have the chance to make them real in your body canvas. The giant UFO blasting in the luminous sky can make a hell of an impression. Illustrate some more UFOs in the background and you have a full raid party.
A Stunning Parody: Immersive Paul Alien Tattoo

The 2011 comic science fiction film is a part of all the cliches in most alien movies. It uses fantastic humor throughout but still manages to give an emotional story.
The Paul alien tattoo features the titular alien with two of the protagonists in a thick and dark background. While the tattoo lacks colors, it still creates a sense of hope in you.
Artwork That Makes You Smile: Aesthetic Funny Alien Tattoo

Funny alien tattoos stray away from the conventional structure of body artwork. This scarification comprises bright colors to create a humorous atmosphere.
The alien is illustrated using jarring colors. Rather than making the creature go naked, the tattoo illustrates it wearing a suit and tie. This further makes you smile.
Perfecting The Portrayal: Hyper Realistic Alien Tattoo

You may argue what is realism in the sphere of alien tattoos anyway. No one has ever seen them. Well, you are right. However, there are numerous depictions in literature and media for inspiration.
Use the one you prefer most and try to illustrate the artwork with high precision and details. The eyes matter the most. So put special emphasis on making the eyes look as if they hold the entire universe in them.
Connecting The Dots: Symbolic Ancient Alien Tattoo

Scientists argue that aliens have been exploring the world since the ancient days. They have been living among us for millions of years. The ancient alien tattoo manifests this notion with incredible symbolism.
The entire portrayal of the alien is covered with tribal symbols indicating how they have been existing for centuries. The tattoo is a unique representation that makes you question how little we know about the universe.
Touch Of Exclusivity: Fearsome Grimes Alien Tattoo

Conjuring The Roots: Hypnotic Tribal Alien Tattoo

Where They Belong: Prehistoric Egyptian Alien Tattoo

A Surreal Experience: Trippy Alien Tattoo With Psychedelic Motifs

Scientists still don't have much clue about the aliens and their existence. They remain in our fascination. That's why you may have questions about the intricacies of the alien tattoos. Don’t worry. We are here to answer them all. Check out our answers to some of your most burning questions.
Q: Are Alien Tattoos Trendy?
Ans: Yes, they are. A new alien movie is released every year. People naturally gravitate towards these science fiction movies. Similarly, they love to get alien tattoos. These alluring designs can showcase their curious nature and thirst for exploring the unknown.
Q: How Does Alien Tattoos Symbolize Individuality?
Ans: Well, alien tattoos are unique and quirky artworks. They are one of a kind. When you get these designs, they become a part of you.
The bizarre patterns showcase your idiosyncratic nature and attitude. It manifests how there is no one like you in the entire world.
There are moments in our lives when we feel like an outsider. We feel that we are not being understood. In such moments, we almost feel like an alien. The alien tattoo is a great metaphor for portraying individuality and feeling of isolation.
These artworks connect with you on a personal and spiritual level. By looking at the tattoo, you may even realize that you are not alone in this universe. Someone is always there for you. So cheer up and continue living life to the fullest.