Cat tattoo

92 Alluring Cat Tattoo Ideas For Your Next Adventure

Who doesn't love cats? Even the cruelest person in the world who is devoid of any kind of emotions will feel a sense of empathy towards these adorable creatures. Their innocent souls and cute appearance compels us to sit for hours to endure immense pain just to get their image on the body canvas. 

Humans and cats go way back. Every single one of us has encountered a cat in our life that has influenced our lives in some way or another. Some of us have them as pets and they shower us with happiness and joy. 

If you want to show your affection towards the animal that has had an impact on your life then there isn't a better tattoo design than the cat tattoo. The cat will always stay beside you even in your roughest of times. You will feel a sense of energy exuding from the tattoo that will always make you strong. 

Heartwarming Meaning Behind Cat Tattoos To Make You Cry

Meaning Behind Cat Tattoo

The meaning of cat tattoos are quite apparent as there are many interpretations to them. Most people get this tattoo to showcase their love for their pet. 

Some of us who have experienced a devastating blow of losing our beloved cat can get the tattoo as a memorial. The tattoo can work as an amulet where their soul can live with us for eternity. 


There are some deep symbolism of the cat tattoo as well. It is believed that the tattoo brings luck and prosperity to the wearer. With its gentle imagery and subtle use of colors, it can bless the wearer with happiness and tranquility. 

Purr-Plexing Facts About The Cat Tattoos That Will Blow Your Mind

We conducted an intriguing experiment among 15,000 internet users to figure out which is the most popular cat tattoo design. Our findings suggest that the most popular design is undoubtedly the egyptian cat tattoo with 36.4% votes whereas the least popular design is the dog and cat tattoo with only 12.5% votes. 

In another study of ours, it was found that people from the age group of 15-25 gravitate more towards getting the cat tattoo compared to the older demographics. The percentage of people getting the cat tattoo was 34.6 percent for the age group of 15-25 whereas the percentage was lowest for the age group of 56-65 with just 11.1 percent. This data was quite obvious as younger people always gravitate towards animal related artworks. 


Adorable Cat tattoo Designs To Cause A Cat-Astrophe

There are a wide range of cat tattoo designs to choose from. You can depict the tattoo in a realistic manner or add your own idiosyncrasies into the mix. Either way, the end result must be able to portray the cuteness of these lovable creatures. 

Because of the myriad options, it can surely get confusing to choose the right design for you. To aid you in your process, we have compiled a comprehensive list of cat tattoo designs. You should select the design that resonates with you on a spiritual level. 

Cheshire Cat Tattoo

Cheshire Cat Tattoo
Cheshire Cat Tattoo 2

The Cheshire cat is something that feels like it has popped out from a horror book. The usual features resemble that of a cat but the spiky teeths along with a menacing smile depicts otherwise. 

The Cheshire cat tattoo has gained a lot of momentum over the years because of how terrifying it looks. Today’s generation are gravitating more towards dark tattoos with colors that feel like they have been collected from the deepest pits of hell. 

The most amazing aspect about this cat tattoo is that you don't need to illustrate the entirety of it. Just the face is more than enough to portray a sense of fear in the viewer's heart. 

Simple Cat Tattoo

Simple Cat Tattoo

Cats are adorable no matter how you present them in your artwork. The mischievous grudge they put on their face to the tiny paws, each segment of a cat doesn't need any exaggeration.

Therefore, you don't need to illustrate a tattoo full of artistic dot lines and bold colors. The only thing you ought to do is to bring out that cuteness of the cat in your tattoo. 

If you look closely, the outer surface of a cat doesn't have a convoluted structure. It is mainly composed of some basic shapes with big, blue eyes that can melt even the rudest of hearts. So, you can easily draw a cat tattoo by taking the simple route. 

Cat Tattoo Outline

Cat Tattoo Outline

Outline tattoos are the best because it opens up the opportunity for a myriad of interpretations. A cat tattoo outline is like a mirror where each time you will find something totally different than the last time. 

Perhaps the greatest aspect about this tattoo is that the outline blends directly with the body canvas. A good rule of thumb is to draw the outline covering a minimal amount of area. 

Colors are optional. You mainly want to create a stick figure of the creature we all know and love. So, there is absolutely no need to get all fancy. 

Sphynx Cat Tattoo

Sphynx Cat Tattoo 1
Sphynx Cat Tattoo 2

This is a rare variety of cat that is completely hairless. Historically, the sphynx cat was birthed through selective breeding of different species. As a result, a special creature was born that looks more like Egyptian pharaohs than a cat. 

Their lack of hair is a result of a rare genetic disorder. This palpates their skin and makes it completely devoid of hair follicles. When you touch them, you will feel a blend of surprise and amusement inside of you. 

This is a great choice for those individuals who think they don't belong to a herd. Like the sphynx cat, there are many among us that have something unique in them. These types of people ought to have this tattoo. 

Minimalist Cat Tattoo

Minimalist Cat Tattoo 1
Minimalist Cat Tattoo 2

The minimalist cat tattoo isn't something flamboyant. It doesn't compromise artistic outlines nor grandiose patterns. Instead, the tattoo focuses on illustrating the ball of fun with geometric shapes. 

You may be wondering what's so great about that. Well, the minimalist tattoo is incredibly soothing to the eye. There is a current trend that compels contemporary tattoo artists to go completely wild with their tattoos. 

But this is a complete waste of time and space. Instead, you should always opt for a minimalist cat tattoo. It will become your best friend without you having to endure excruciating pain. 

Lucky Cat Tattoo

Lucky Cat Tattoo 1
Lucky Cat Tattoo 2

Cats are always lucky no matter how naughty they may be. They bring joy and laughter to every household. No matter how much a person says that they hate cats, they are the ones that adore it the most at the end. 

So, any kind of cat tattoo is a lucky one. When you have a tattoo, you will always feel that a lucky charm is somewhere in your body. It will always uplift your mood even in the darkest of days.

Fat Cat Tattoo

Fat Cat Tattoo 1
Fat Cat Tattoo 2

Most pet cats are fat. We don't say that to offend them in any way. The truth is that a fat cat is the most adorable one. The fluffiness of them just compels us to cuddle with them all day. 

Illustration of a fat cat tattoo is quite fun. All you need to do is Increase the cuteness to the maximum level. The cat should have fluffy cheeks and a bouncy belly. These may be fun to write but deleting them in tattoo form can be quite tricky. So, you should get a solid foundation before commencing the inking process. 

Cat Paw Print Tattoo

Cat Paw Print Tattoo 1

Your favorite cat won't live forever. We know that it hurts to admit but cats can only live upto 10-15 years. So, you need to prepare yourself for the emotional blow. Some of you may be already experiencing something like this. 

An amazing way to remember your cat is by getting a paw print of it. Like human beings, each cat has its own paw print. When you have the tattoo, your cat will forever live within your flesh. Nothing will be able to replace it. 

Small Cat Tattoo

Small Cat Tattoo

Small cat tattoos are amazing because they can be illustrated anywhere in the body canvas. From the neck to the ankle, the tattoo looks jarring in every single location. The meaning also fluctuates with the place. 

But there is a caveat with this kind of tattoo. Sometimes it is so small that it requires a magnifying glass to notice the tattoo. This can be a great nuisance. So, you should at least maintain some proportionality while depicting the tattoo. 

Cat Skull Tattoo

Cat Skull Tattoo

Cat skull tattoos are deadly because they investigate the fear of death in us. In our hectic schedule, we tend to forget about what happens when we meet that unfortunate event. 

You may be wondering why someone should acknowledge such a terrible situation. Well, the reason for this is that when you remember about death, you start to appreciate life. The sadness and the depression, all of the sorrowful feelings slowly start to fade away into obscurity. You become truly happy. 

Egyptian Cat Tattoo

Egyptian Cat Tattoo

In Egypt, cats are considered to be an auspicious animal that is associated with the gods. People believed that these creatures were connected to the holy spirits. 

That's why, you will see many symbols of them throughout the pyramid either in monuments or in curved form. This belief has gradually translated into the tattooing world as well. People are especially Interested in tattoos because of the elaborate decoration. 

Cat Memorial Tattoo

Cat Memorial Tattoo

There is nothing more saddening than to see your favorite cat slowly get older and eventually succumb to death. When you realize that your best friend is no more, your sorrows know no bound. 

Unfortunately, there aren't any magic or rituals to bring back your buddy. But you can definitely remember the cat for good with a cat memorial tattoo. The tattoo will work as a stark reminder that the cat may have left its corporeal form but the spirit of it still lies in your flesh. 

Flower Cat Tattoo

Flower Cat Tattoo 1
Flower Cat Tattoo 2

Floral patterns are always a thing of beauty.  The intricate patterns elevates the overall aesthetic of any tattoo to a whole new level.

There are many flowers that are currently trending on the internet. The most popular of them all is the Rose and dandelion. These flowers have a subtle design with appropriate colors that perfectly compliment the cat tattoo. Rather than overpowering it, the flowers smoothly integrate with the cat making it look like something from outer space. 

Ghost Cat Tattoo

Ghost Cat Tattoo

We are always fascinated about paranormal entities. No matter how much we claim that we do not believe in ghosts, whenever there is a noise in your closet, you are bound to get scared. 

The existence of ghosts always burns us in the back of our heads. That's why when you will get the tattoo, you will feel a unique sense of anticipation as well as fear lurking inside your consciousness. Beside the frightening aura, the imagery of the ghost cat tattoo is quite jarring as well. 

Dog And Cat Tattoo

Dog And Cat Tattoo

Dogs and cats have been living coexistantly since the beginning of time. While they are often seen to be quarreling with each other, they are quite close to each other because of their shared ancestry. 

Some people love dogs while others adore cats. There are also people like us who can't seem to get enough of both of them. If you fall into the latter category then this is for you. Rather than blending them together, you should illustrate the dog and the cat separately. 

Belly Button Cat Tattoo 

Belly Button Cat Tattoo

Belly button cat tattoos are quite a distinct choice of tattoo that utilizes the unique imagery of the belly button to depict a cat. 

Your belly button is truly a structure of wonder. Some have an outer side belly button while others have inner. No matter what the type is, the belly button definitely looks quite aesthetic because of the rugged design. You can easily make it even more alluring by inking a cat tattoo there. 

Japanese Cat Tattoo

Japanese Cat Tattoo

Japanese people have a long association with cats that can be realized after investigating their folktales and literature.

There are numerous characters in anime and manga where you will see these animals in a humanoid form. Back in the day, people used to make monuments of cats because they believed that the cat has some sort of holy power. With the Japanese cat tattoo, you may not get strength or wisdom from it. But you will surely become more confident in life. 

Felix The Cat Tattoo

Felix The Cat Tattoo

During the silent film era, there was a cat depicted in a film with anthropomorphic characteristics that got people in a frenzy all over the world. The entire body of the cat was in black and it had a huge grin on its face. 

The cat quickly became one of the most recognizable characters in film history. Because of its bizarre attributes, felix looked as if it came out from one of our vivid dreams. People want to get silhouettes of Felix even to this day a tattoo form. 

Cute Cat Tattoo

Cute Cat Tattoo

Cats are born cute. With their adorable whiskers along with fluffy furs, they can easily get to our hearts. Especially, when they are kittens, you cannot help but fall in love with them. 

Illustrating a cute cat tattoo isn't that difficult. All you need to do is draw a normal outline of the cat. You just have to exaggerate the features a bit so that it looks both cartoon and cute. 

American Traditional Cat Tattoo

American Traditional Cat Tattoo

In America, cats have become a staple in many houses. There are even people who leave their entire property and wealth to these animals. 

In America, the social situation can be a bit crazy. Most people live a life of solitude. In their lonely times, a cat can become a lifesaver bringing them immense joy and laughter. Because of their lifelong duty towards human beings, Americans have cemented the cats to be a symbol of good luck and happiness. When you get the tattoo, you will also become satisfied with your life. 

Cat Ear Tattoo

Cat Ear Tattoo

The pointy ears along with some furs protruding out is the quintessential feature of a cat ear. This structure is what gives the animal its characteristic attributes. 

Furthermore, ears seem to have many layers attached to them. It feels as if there are layers after layers of enigmatic truth hidden beneath the exterior. Because of its unique appearance and mysticism, many people opt for this tattoo. The tattoo is also hassle-free as it takes much less time compared to other cat tattoos.

Geometric Cat Tattoo

Geometric Cat Tattoo

In a world full of tattoos with vague intricacies and wild colors, a geometric cat tattoo can work as a beacon of hope. Geometric tattoos are a joy to watch because of their simplistic nature and subtle colors. 

This tattoo is also prefered by nerds like us who think of all the things in a mathematical mind. The tattoo mainly comprises geometric shapes as the name suggests. It may seem easy but the tattoo requires a lot of creativity to pull it off. 

Cool Cat Tattoo

Cool Cat Tattoo

Cool cat tattoos are just exaggerated renditions of the housecat. We all know how a cat behaves in its vicinity. It will sleep all day and sometimes when it's in the mood, it will run around and play with the house objects. 

The main concept of the cool cat tattoo is to depict the cat in unusual mannerisms that are not seen everyday life. Actions such as smoking or fighting as a warrior are only some of the cool ideas that you can incorporate to create a stunning cat tattoo.

Alice of Wonderland Cat Tattoo

Alice of Wonderland Cat Tattoo

Alice in wonderland is a hugely popular movie that came out almost a decade ago. But still to this day, the whimsical imagery along with the mystical characters resonate with us. 

In the movie, there is a depiction of a cat that had magical powers. The cat played quite a crucial role and forwarded the plot of the movie in an unusual path. Because of this, many movie freaks love this character and opted for getting the tattoo on their body canvas. 

Space Cat Tattoo

Space Cat Tattoo

We all are accustomed to seeing the cat on the earth. But can you imagine just how magical they will look in space?

This desire to see them in space has been made possible using the stencils of the artists. The main aspect that you need to keep in mind is to make the colors as celestial as possible. A good way to achieve this is by diluting the colors as much as possible. This will give the overall ambience of the tattoo an otherworldly feeling. 

Halloween Cat Tattoo

Halloween Cat Tattoo

As Halloween is fast approaching, it is high time we got a cat tattoo to celebrate the spirit of the occasion. 

The main reason why so many people opt for this tattoo design is because of the range of it. There are a plethora of elements that you can incorporate and every single one of them looks fantastic. The ambience matters the most for this kind of tattoo. 

Therefore you need to make sure that there is an ample amount of whimsical colors in the background to bring out the menacing vibe.

Yin Yang Cat Tattoo

Yin Yang Cat Tattoo

This is an ancient concept that was conceptualized in China. People believed that there was always a counterpart to everything. There is birth to death while there is white black. The two polar opposite aspects always intrigued us Because of its symbolism. 

The Yin Yang tattoo is a modern rendition of that ancient concept. A good design is to illustrate an evil cat and an innocent cat side by side. The two opposite characters will express the duality in human beings. 

Tuxedo Cat Tattoo

Tuxedo Cat Tattoo

There is nothing more hilarious than seeing a cat wearing a tuxedo. We all are used to seeing them naked. Wearing something as posh as the tuxedo surely creates a feeling of joy and laughter in all of us. 

Besides its comical effect, many people opt for this design because they want to aim for a life full of luxury and style. When they get the tattoo, it works as a stark reminder that they need to work hard to achieve their goals. 

Watercolor Cat Tattoo

Watercolor Cat Tattoo

This may have been said countless times but this is an evitable truth that there isn't a better color than the watercolor to depict a living entity.

Because of the fluidity of the watercolor, it mixes directly with the skin creating a unique blend of realism and spiritualism. When you look at the tattoo, you feel like you have taken a psychedelic trip in the divine world where things aren't as chaotic as the current world. The soothing nature of the color compliments the simple structure of the cat quite perfectly. 

Orange Cat Tattoo

Orange Cat Tattoo

The first thing that pops out when we hear about the orange cat Garfield. This humanoid shaped cat became a household name back in the day and still is. Because of its monotonous voice and an unhinge sense of maturity, we cannot help but respect the orange fat with all our heart. 

Illustrating an orange cat is quite straightforward. All you need to do is create a solid foundation and dip your finest brand of orange hues in the mix. Let it sit for a couple of hours and voila. 

Two Cat Tattoo

Two Cat Tattoo

What's better than one cat tattoo? It is surely a two cat tattoo. The more the merrier when it comes to cat tattoos. Everyone likes these little jars of fun. 

A crucial thing that you have to keep in mind is that creating a two cat tattoo can become a bit messy sometimes if you don't know what you are doing. So rather than convoluting the two entities, it's best to illustrate them separately. It will create a distinct dichotomy that will look phenomenal in your body canvas.

Witchy Cat Tattoo

Witchy Cat Tattoo

In the ancient times, cats were heavily used by witches to do their evil and malicious tasks. They would roam around in the witches' ankles and the witches would tell them to bring out different concoctions to perform the rituals. 

The act of witchcraft has long been gone but the concept still remains in many of our hearts. We are fascinated by it. Some people even believed that these cats were bewitched by the witches to do their bidding. When you have the tattoo, your cat will also be in complete control. 

Angel Cat Tattoo

Angel Cat Tattoo

Here comes the counterpart of the witch tattoo. The angel tattoo is a spiritual representation of the beloved creature that we all love to cuddle. 

The imagery of them is quite straightforward to depict in tattoo form. All you need to do is create a holy disc on top of their head and you are done. The tattoo will look like something that has descended from the heavens to bless the mortals.

Tiny Cat Tattoo

Tiny Cat Tattoo

Cats aren't supposed to be a giant entity that is meant to scar you for life. They are the most adorable creatures that can melt your heart just by the sight of them.

So you should always opt for a tiny cat tattoo that will forever stay with you. The best thing about this kind of tattoo is that it can be etched anywhere in your body. You don't have any sort of restraints when it comes to the tiny cat tattoo. You can pour your wildest imaginations in the body canvas.

Funny Cat Tattoo

Funny Cat Tattoo

Cats have a natural tendency to make us burst out of laughter. It's Mainly because of their comical behavior as well as their desire to cuddle with us all day giving a ticklish feeling. 

Therefore, you don't have to do much to illustrate a funny cat tattoo. But if you really want to bring out the essence of comedy then you should illustrate a funny cap or a cigarette in the tattoo. Seeing the cat in unusual positions will make the tattoo a sight to behold. 

Abstract Cat Tattoo

Abstract Cat Tattoo

Abstract tattoos are truly a work of wonder. It has a myriad of interpretations which primarily depends on the outlook of the viewer. 

This kind of tattoo doesn't look quite like the cat that we see in nature. Instead, the tatoo focuses on alluring patterns and shapes to convey something poetic. With this tattoo on your canvas, you will feel it is gently whispering to your ear about the purpose of life and how you can move forward. 

Tabby Cat Tattoo

Tabby Cat Tattoo

Have you watched the immensely popular anime called Dragon ball Z? In the anime, there is a character called majin Vegeta who has an M symbol on his forehead. The character was quite badass and we all aspired to become like him when we were young. 

The Tabby cat is a realistic representation of that character. It has a distinct M shape in their forehead as well as stripes throughout their body. Because of their resemblance to Vegeta, many people opt for choosing this tattoo. With the tattoo, you will feel a sense of power to obliterate all your enemies. 

Cartoon Cat Tattoo

Cartoon Cat Tattoo

There are countless depictions of cats in cartoons. From Garfield to Alice in wonderland, each of the cartoon cats have their own sets of morals and behaviors. 

If you are choosing to get a cartoon cat tattoo, the first thing you need to do is research a bit. You need to select a character that perfectly conveys your mannerism as well as your personality. A tattoo is more than a piece of art. It's a statement.

Angry Cat Tattoo

Angry Cat Tattoo

When a cat gets angry, it gets even cuter. The cheeks become more fluffy and the overall demeanor is so adorable that you can't help but apologize to it. 

The perfect depiction of an angry cat is by illustrating a grumpy face. You need to make the eyebrows a little twisted as well as giving a huge grin on its face. Rather than etching the entirety of the cat, you should focus only on the face as that's where all the emotion lies. 

Semicolon Cat Tattoo

Semicolon Cat Tattoo

Semicolon tattoos are a symbol of fighting against depression and other mental disorders. In this era of hopelessness, there are many individuals that are suffering from anxiety and stress related issues. 

They may not appear serious at a glance but they start to become more and more deadly as time goes by. The semicolon cat tattoo works as a stark reminder that it's not a taboo to not talk about these issues. We should seek help when we are feeling down. Life will have ups and downs. You just need to hang on to it.

Coraline Cat Tattoo

Coraline Cat Tattoo

The cat plays a significant role in the dark fantasy novel of the nineties titled Coraline. The overall appearance of the cat is quite ordinary with a bit of rugged aesthetic. But it is the ability of the cat that makes it unique. 

Whenever Coraline is troubled or faces any dire situation, the cat is the first thing that comes to her aid. It has the incredible ability to fade in and out at wish which makes it quite a companion to have. When you have the tattoo, it will also protect you from all the troubles.

Black Cat Tattoo

Black Cat Tattoo

Black cats are considered to be an auspicious symbol. Whenever there is a black cat seen, people automatically assume that something good is about to happen. Harming a black cat can lead to unholy events that keep on occurring until you repent for your sins. 

Apart from the symbolism, the black cat looks as if it has popped directly from the nightmares. Its silhouette makes us wonder about what kind of hellish creatures lurk behind the shadows. 

Cowboy Cat Tattoo

Cowboy Cat Tattoo

Cowboy cat tattoos originated after the release of the character known as Puss in boots. Because of the huge success of the series, people quickly got word of it and started to ink the cat in their body canvas.

The cowboy cat surely looks quite intriguing. It wears the traditional cowboy hat along with a gun in its belt. Whenever there is a shootout, it quickly loads its gum and starts firing with eagle-like precision. 

A rule of thumb is to illustrate the tattoo as intimidating as possible. One way to achieve this is by inking a jarring background. 

Galaxy Cat Tattoo

Galaxy Cat Tattoo

The galaxy is something that we have been intrigued about since the inception of human beings. There is just something about the alignment of stars and planets and their continuous involvement in their orbits that makes us obsessed about it. 

Now imagine a cat roaming around the galaxy. How awesome would that look! To depict the galaxy cat, the first thing you need is to ink a jarring space suit for the cat. Then you need to create a celestial background in which the cat will hover around. The final outcome will definitely blow your mind. 


The internet can be a scary place full of websites with phishing links. One mistake and your computer will be full of viruses that can steal all your precious files. 

So, you need to be very cautious while surfing on the internet for information about cat tattoos. To facilitate the process, we have a list of questions along with their answers that will clear most of your doubts about the cat tattoos. 

Q: Do Cat Tattoos Hurt A Lot? 

Ans: Any kind of tattoo will hurt. That’s the main point of tattooing. With a sharp stencil, an artist inks your skin with extreme precision. What they do is burn the outer tissues so that it makes a pattern that will stay for a long period of time. 

It doesn't matter what kind of tattoo you opt for. Unless it's a temporary tattoo, every kind of permanent tattoo will hurt like hell. 

Q: Can You Get A Cat Tattoo In The Chest? 

Ans: A cat tattoo on the chest means that you wholeheartedly believe in the symbolism that the artworks portray. It depicts your dedication to the cause. 

However, you should be very careful while getting the tattoo on your chest. It may have an ample amount of space but the skin on the chest is quite sensitive. It can easily get damaged. 


There is just something about cats that brings us solace and peace. Seeing them roam around with their arrogance and playfulness makes us forget about the worries of our everyday lives. This is something that is desperately required in today’s era where people are becoming more and more lonely as time passes by.

The cat tattoo may not be as special as the living embodiment of it but it will still remind you about the good times you had with the creatures. For a moment, the tattoo will let you dwell in a realm where there is no chaos or conflicts. This is a place where only joy exists. 

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